Chat Log for Welcome To New SoL! Noob Friendly Server Chic - FR-Deck17 on Mon, Mar 25 2024 at 12:10:22 AM |
Minutes |
Player |
Text |
-1.04 |
Spindrift |
Connected |
-1.04 |
Spindrift |
Team Change to Red Team |
-1.04 |
Sue_A._Side |
Connected |
-1.04 |
Sue_A._Side |
Team Change to Blue Team |
-1.03 |
ßros.qdmx` |
Connected |
-1.03 |
ßros.qdmx` |
Team Change to Red Team |
-1.03 |
=patty |
Connected |
-1.03 |
=patty |
Team Change to Blue Team |
-1.03 |
Player 17 |
Connected |
-1.03 |
Player 17 |
Team Change to Red Team |
-1.03 |
Sol°PhXxx |
Connected |
-1.03 |
Sol°PhXxx |
Team Change to Blue Team |
-1.02 |
Player 17 |
Connected |
-1.02 |
Player 17 |
Team Change to Red Team |
-1.01 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Connected |
-1.01 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Team Change to Blue Team |
-1.00 |
Player 10 |
Connected |
-1.00 |
Player 10 |
Team Change to Blue Team |
-0.97 |
Player 15 |
Connected |
-0.97 |
Player 15 |
Team Change to Red Team |
-0.96 |
Player 24 |
Connected |
-0.96 |
Player 24 |
Team Change to Red Team |
-0.92 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Connected |
-0.92 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Team Change to Blue Team |
-0.92 |
Spindrift |
damn you guys did not vote 420.. |
-0.86 |
Player 24 |
Disconnected |
-0.73 |
Sol°PhXxx |
getting harder to play w/ this fucked up shoulder....suxxxxxx |
-0.70 |
=patty |
revote? |
-0.55 |
Spindrift |
yeah i know that feeling phx |
-0.49 |
Player |
Connected |
-0.49 |
Player |
Team Change to Red Team |
-0.40 |
Sue_A._Side |
is it healing or just an ongoing thing? |
-0.38 |
Sol°PhXxx |
sledge can u get the other maps |
-0.35 |
Spindrift |
im so inconsistent bc oof that |
-0.18 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
ello phx btw |
-0.05 |
Sol°PhXxx |
Team Change to Red Team |
-0.05 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Team Change to Red Team |
-0.05 |
Player 15 |
Team Change to Blue Team |
-0.05 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Team Change to Red Team |
-0.05 |
ßros.qdmx` |
Team Change to Blue Team |
-0.05 |
Player 17 |
Team Change to Blue Team |
-0.01 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
and who entered |
-0.00 |
=patty |
getting old is indeed a bummer |
0.00 |
Game Start |
0.00 |
Sol°PhXxx |
gonna have torn rotator cuff and popping shoulder surgery tues morning |
0.04 |
Sol°PhXxx |
gonna have torn rotator cuff and popping shoulder surgery tues morning |
0.37 |
Spindrift |
Killed =patty with a DamType_SniperShot |
0.37 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
0.45 |
Sue_A._Side |
Killed Player 17 with a Flak Cannon |
0.49 |
Player 15 |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a DamType_SniperShot |
0.51 |
Player |
Killed Sue_A._Side with a DamType_Rocket |
0.51 |
SoL°Burr!to |
ow |
0.54 |
Sol°PhXxx |
Killed ßros.qdmx` with a Flak Cannon |
0.58 |
Spindrift |
Killed Player 17 with a DamType_SniperShot |
0.61 |
ßros.qdmx` |
haha |
0.67 |
Player 10 |
Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a Flak Cannon |
0.67 |
Sol°PhXxx |
Killed Player 10 with a DamType_ShockBeam |
0.87 |
SoL°Burr!to |
ty |
0.97 |
Player 15 |
Killed Sol°PhXxx with a DamType_ShockBeam |
1.15 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed Player 15 with a DamType_ShockBeam |
1.21 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
1.26 |
Sol°PhXxx |
u have surgery too phlz? |
1.28 |
Player 17 |
Killed Player 10 with a Flak Cannon |
1.28 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed ßros.qdmx` with a DamType_SniperShot |
1.35 |
Red Team Scored Frag! |
1.63 |
ßros.qdmx` |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a DamType_SniperShot |
1.66 |
Spindrift |
Killed Sue_A._Side with a DamType_SniperShot |
1.68 |
SoL°Burr!to |
ow |
1.73 |
Sol°PhXxx |
Killed =patty with a Flak Cannon |
1.81 |
Player |
Killed Player 15 with a DamType_SniperShot |
1.84 |
Player 17 |
Killed Player 17 with a DamType_SniperShot |
1.85 |
Player 17 |
Killed Player 10 with a DamType_Rocket |
1.85 |
Player 17 |
Killed Player 17 with a DamType_Rocket |
1.86 |
SoL°Burr!to |
ns |
1.99 |
ßros.qdmx` |
Killed Player with a DamType_SniperShot |
2.01 |
Sue_A._Side |
Killed Sol°PhXxx with a Shock Rifle |
2.02 |
Player 17 |
Killed ßros.qdmx` with a DamType_BioGlob |
2.11 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed Sue_A._Side with a DamType_SniperShot |
2.18 |
Red Team Scored Frag! |
2.19 |
Sol°PhXxx |
u have surgery too phlz? |
2.37 |
=patty |
Headshot SoL°Burr!to with a DamTypeHeadshot |
2.39 |
SoL°Burr!to |
ow! |
2.43 |
Spindrift |
no surgery here but i did not get looked at in the past 3 years |
2.46 |
Player 15 |
Fell into Lava |
2.50 |
Player 15 |
fuk |
2.62 |
ßros.qdmx` |
Killed Sol°PhXxx with a DamType_ShockBeam |
2.72 |
SoL°Burr!to |
ty |
2.81 |
Sol°PhXxx |
ya it sux |
2.85 |
ßros.qdmx` |
Headshot Player 17 with a DamTypeHeadshot |
2.89 |
Player 17 |
Killed Spindrift with a DamType_SniperShot |
2.99 |
Player 10 |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a Shock Rifle |
3.01 |
SoL°Burr!to |
owww |
3.02 |
Sol°PhXxx |
sling for 6 weeks and 4 mo recovery |
3.22 |
Sue_A._Side |
Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a Flak Cannon |
3.24 |
Sue_A._Side |
Fell into Lava |
3.30 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
3.33 |
=patty |
Killed Player with a DamType_SniperShot |
3.41 |
Spindrift |
my coworker had surgery helped for a good time, overall better |
3.48 |
Player 15 |
Killed Sol°PhXxx with a DamType_ShockBeam |
3.51 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed Player 15 with a DamType_SniperShot |
3.52 |
Player 17 |
come baxk better then ever |
3.56 |
Sue_A._Side |
couldnt flak myself before the dip |
3.58 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed Player 17 with a DamType_SniperShot |
3.64 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed Player 10 with a DamType_SniperShot |
3.68 |
Sol°PhXxx |
cool..thx |
3.72 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
3.76 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
3.79 |
Player |
Killed ßros.qdmx` with a DamType_Rocket |
3.81 |
Player 17 |
Killed Player 17 with a Flak Cannon |
4.00 |
=patty |
Killed Player 17 with a Flak Cannon |
4.22 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed =patty with a DamType_SniperShot |
4.28 |
Red Team Scored Frag! |
4.49 |
Spindrift |
Headshot Player 10 with a DamTypeHeadshot |
4.50 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
4.57 |
Sol°PhXxx |
Killed =patty with a DamType_Rocket |
4.58 |
Spindrift |
Killed Sue_A._Side with a DamType_SniperShot |
4.68 |
Spindrift |
Killed ßros.qdmx` with a DamType_SniperShot |
4.74 |
Player 17 |
Killed Player 17 with a DamType_Rocket |
4.82 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed Player 15 with a Shock Rifle |
4.85 |
Spindrift |
Killed Player 17 with a DamType_SniperShot |
4.92 |
Red Team Scored Frag! |
4.92 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
i lied! |
4.99 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
*lived |
5.11 |
Player 15 |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a DamType_SniperShot |
5.13 |
SoL°Burr!to |
ow |
5.19 |
Player 15 |
Killed Player 17 with a DamType_SniperShot |
5.25 |
Player |
Killed ßros.qdmx` with a DamType_SniperShot |
5.26 |
Sol°PhXxx |
Killed Sue_A._Side with a Shock Rifle |
5.28 |
SoL°Burr!to |
ns |
5.33 |
Player 15 |
Killed Sol°PhXxx with a DamType_ShockBeam |
5.39 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Killed Player 17 with a DamType_SniperShot |
5.41 |
SoL°Burr!to |
ty |
5.48 |
=patty |
Headshot Player with a DamTypeHeadshot |
5.68 |
Player 17 |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a DamType_ShockBeam |
5.71 |
SoL°Burr!to |
ow |
5.81 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Killed ßros.qdmx` with a DamType_Rocket |
5.83 |
=patty |
Killed Spindrift with a DamType_Rocket |
5.84 |
SoL°Burr!to |
ns! |
6.04 |
Player 17 |
Killed Sol°PhXxx with a DamType_SniperShot |
6.08 |
Player 17 |
Suicided with a Flak Cannon |
6.21 |
Player 15 |
Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a DamType_ShockBeam |
6.27 |
Sol°PhXxx |
rude dyna rude |
6.29 |
Spindrift |
dune 2 go see it |
6.39 |
Player 17 |
Killed Player with a DamType_SniperShot |
6.45 |
Sol°PhXxx |
good? |
6.51 |
Spindrift |
very |
6.51 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Killed Player 15 with a Flak Cannon |
6.59 |
Player 17 |
Killed Sue_A._Side with a DamType_SniperShot |
6.72 |
Sol°PhXxx |
Killed ßros.qdmx` with a DamType_ShockBeam |
6.74 |
Spindrift |
Killed =patty with a DamType_SniperShot |
6.80 |
Player 17 |
Killed Player 17 with a DamType_Rocket |
6.84 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed Player 17 with a DamType_ShockBeam |
6.85 |
Player 15 |
go thaw |
6.93 |
Spindrift |
Killed Player 10 with a DamType_SniperShot |
6.98 |
Player 17 |
better then 1st |
6.98 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
7.00 |
Red Team Scored Frag! |
7.02 |
SoL°Burr!to |
pro |
7.05 |
Player 10 |
lazy |
7.16 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
7.29 |
Player 15 |
Killed Player 17 with a Flak Cannon |
7.32 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Killed Player 15 with a DamType_ShockBeam |
7.39 |
Spindrift |
Headshot Sue_A._Side with a DamTypeHeadshot |
7.49 |
Spindrift |
Killed ßros.qdmx` with a DamType_SniperShot |
7.55 |
Player 17 |
Killed Player 10 with a Flak Cannon |
7.56 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed Player 17 with a DamType_Rocket |
7.64 |
Spindrift |
Killed =patty with a DamType_SniperShot |
7.71 |
Red Team Scored Frag! |
7.71 |
SoL°Burr!to |
pro |
7.74 |
Player 17 |
Disconnected |
7.97 |
=patty |
Killed Sol°PhXxx with a DamType_SniperShot |
8.02 |
Player 15 |
Killed Player with a DamType_Rocket |
8.11 |
Player 15 |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a DamType_ShockBeam |
8.16 |
SoL°Burr!to |
ow |
8.17 |
Player 17 |
Killed Spindrift with a DamType_SniperShot |
8.20 |
Sol°PhXxx |
Suicided with an Unknown Weapon |
8.20 |
Sol°PhXxx |
Sol°PhXxx is now AFK. |
8.20 |
Sol°PhXxx |
brb |
8.20 |
Sol°PhXxx |
Disconnected |
8.44 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Fell into Lava |
8.48 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
oops |
8.49 |
SoL°Burr!to |
ntttt |
8.54 |
Blue Team Scored Frag! |
8.58 |
Spindrift |
the goal is not the story its the journey xD |
8.73 |
Player 17 |
Killed Player 10 with a DamType_ShockBeam |
8.85 |
Player 15 |
Killed Spindrift with a DamType_SniperShot |
8.95 |
Sue_A._Side |
Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a Flak Cannon |
8.96 |
Player |
Suicided with a Flak Cannon |
8.98 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed ßros.qdmx` with a DamType_SniperShot |
9.09 |
=patty |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a DamType_SniperShot |
9.11 |
SoL°Burr!to |
ow |
9.15 |
Blue Team Scored Frag! |
9.31 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed =patty with a DamType_Rocket |
9.31 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Suicided with a DamType_Rocket |
9.34 |
SoL°Burr!to |
oops |
9.35 |
=patty |
9.41 |
SoL°Burr!to |
ty |
9.42 |
=patty |
res |
9.49 |
Player 15 |
Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a DamType_Rocket |
9.60 |
=patty |
Killed Player 10 with a DamType_SniperShot |
9.64 |
Player |
Killed Player 15 with a DamType_Rocket |
9.65 |
ßros.qdmx` |
Killed Player with a DamType_SniperShot |
9.65 |
Spindrift |
Killed Player 17 with a DamType_SniperShot |
9.83 |
Player 17 |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a DamType_Rocket |
9.85 |
SoL°Burr!to |
ow |
9.85 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Killed ßros.qdmx` with a Flak Cannon |
9.86 |
Player 15 |
Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a DamType_SniperShot |
9.94 |
=patty |
Killed Player 10 with a DamType_SniperShot |
9.98 |
Sue_A._Side |
Killed Spindrift with a DamType_SniperShot |
10.15 |
=patty |
Killed Player with a DamType_SniperShot |
10.48 |
Player 17 |
Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a DamType_ShockBeam |
10.52 |
SoL°Burr!to |
:D |
10.56 |
Blue Team Scored Frag! |
10.67 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
you were supposed to follow its the rukes |
10.68 |
Spindrift |
that plus pain meds xD |
10.80 |
Spindrift |
Headshot ßros.qdmx` with a DamTypeHeadshot |
10.87 |
Sue_A._Side |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a Shock Rifle |
10.89 |
SoL°Burr!to |
o |
10.98 |
ßros.qdmx` |
res |
11.09 |
=patty |
Killed Spindrift with a Flak Cannon |
11.14 |
Sue_A._Side |
Killed Player 10 with a Shock Rifle |
11.19 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Headshot Sue_A._Side with a DamTypeHeadshot |
11.24 |
Player 17 |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a DamType_Rocket |
11.26 |
SoL°Burr!to |
ow |
11.42 |
Player 17 |
Killed Player with a DamType_ShockBeam |
11.52 |
Player 15 |
Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a DamType_SniperShot |
11.59 |
Blue Team Scored Frag! |
11.65 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
11.80 |
Player 17 |
Killed Player 10 with a DamType_ShockBeam |
11.84 |
Player 17 |
Killed Spindrift with a DamType_SniperShot |
11.90 |
Player 17 |
Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a DamType_Rocket |
11.97 |
=patty |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a DamType_SniperShot |
11.99 |
SoL°Burr!to |
ow |
12.07 |
Player 17 |
Killed Player with a DamType_SniperShot |
12.14 |
Blue Team Scored Frag! |
12.28 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
12.33 |
tiny.avenger |
Connected |
12.37 |
tiny.avenger |
join' |
12.38 |
Player |
Killed Sue_A._Side with a DamType_SniperShot |
12.39 |
=patty |
Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a DamType_ShockBeam |
12.42 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
12.42 |
tiny.avenger |
join |
12.43 |
Spindrift |
Killed =patty with a DamType_SniperShot |
12.57 |
Player 17 |
Killed Player with a DamType_ShockBeam |
12.62 |
Spindrift |
Killed ßros.qdmx` with a DamType_SniperShot |
12.70 |
Spindrift |
Killed Player 15 with a DamType_SniperShot |
12.73 |
tiny.avenger |
Killed Spindrift with a DamType_ShockBeam |
12.81 |
Player 17 |
Killed Player 10 with a DamType_Rocket |
12.84 |
tiny.avenger |
Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a DamType_BioGlob |
12.92 |
Spindrift |
filthychicks |
12.95 |
=patty |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a DamType_SniperShot |
13.01 |
Blue Team Scored Frag! |
13.15 |
Player 10 |
Killed Player 17 with a DamType_SniperShot |
13.26 |
=patty |
Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a DamType_SniperShot |
13.32 |
Sue_A._Side |
Killed Spindrift with a DamType_BioGlob |
13.34 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed Sue_A._Side with a DamType_ShockBeam |
13.46 |
tiny.avenger |
Suicided with a DamType_BioGlob |
13.47 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
vcan't hit crap |
13.49 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed Player 15 with a DamType_SniperShot |
13.54 |
=patty |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a Shock Rifle |
13.55 |
Player |
Killed ßros.qdmx` with a Flak Cannon |
13.55 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
13.65 |
Spindrift |
almost thought rhino had joined bc someone was jumping like a madman |
13.70 |
SoL°Burr!to |
ty |
13.83 |
=patty |
Killed Player with a Shock Rifle |
13.97 |
=patty |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a DamType_ShockBeam |
14.11 |
Player |
Killed ßros.qdmx` with a DamType_SniperShot |
14.14 |
Player 15 |
Killed Player 10 with a DamType_ShockBeam |
14.14 |
SoL°Burr!to |
ns |
14.18 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Killed =patty with a Shock Rifle |
14.36 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed tiny.avenger with a DamType_ShockBeam |
14.40 |
ßros.qdmx` |
Killed Player with a DamType_ShockBall |
14.51 |
Player 10 |
Killed Player 17 with a DamType_SniperShot |
14.56 |
Player 15 |
Killed Spindrift with a DamType_SniperShot |
14.57 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Killed ßros.qdmx` with a Shock Rifle |
14.76 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed Player 15 with a DamType_ShockBeam |
14.87 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
14.96 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed Sue_A._Side with a DamType_ShockBall |
15.32 |
Spindrift |
Killed =patty with a DamType_SniperShot |
15.38 |
SoL°Burr!to |
pro |
15.39 |
Red Team Scored Frag! |
15.59 |
Player 17 |
Killed Player 10 with a Shock Rifle |
15.64 |
Sue_A._Side |
Killed Player with a DamType_MinigunBullet |
15.78 |
ßros.qdmx` |
Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a DamType_ShockBeam |
15.88 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
ow |
15.89 |
tiny.avenger |
Killed Spindrift with a DamType_Rocket |
15.93 |
=patty |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a DamType_ShockBeam |
16.00 |
Blue Team Scored Frag! |
16.02 |
Spindrift |
whores |
16.04 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
16.24 |
Spindrift |
Killed Player 15 with a DamType_SniperShot |
16.32 |
Sue_A._Side |
Killed Spindrift with a Flak Cannon |
16.48 |
Spindrift |
sledge was rhino'ing it up |
16.50 |
ßros.qdmx` |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a DamType_LinkShaft |
16.61 |
Player |
Killed Sue_A._Side with a Flak Cannon |
16.67 |
Player 15 |
Killed Player 10 with a DamType_SniperShot |
16.78 |
Player |
Killed ßros.qdmx` with a DamType_ShockBall |
16.81 |
SoL°Burr!to |
ns |
16.88 |
Player 15 |
Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a DamType_SniperShot |
16.91 |
SoL°Burr!to |
pro |
17.06 |
Spindrift |
Killed =patty with a DamType_SniperShot |
17.16 |
Sue_A._Side |
Killed Spindrift with a DamType_SniperShot |
17.18 |
Player 17 |
Killed Player with a DamType_Rocket |
17.40 |
Player 15 |
Killed Player 10 with a Shock Rifle |
17.44 |
SoL°Burr!to |
nt |
17.45 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
nt] |
17.47 |
Blue Team Scored Frag! |
17.69 |
Spindrift |
Killed ßros.qdmx` with a DamType_SniperShot |
17.71 |
=patty |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a DamType_SniperShot |
17.73 |
SoL°Burr!to |
o |
17.80 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
17.84 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Killed =patty with a DamType_SniperShot |
17.99 |
Spindrift |
Killed Sue_A._Side with a DamType_SniperShot |
18.20 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed Player 15 with a DamType_SniperShot |
18.23 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
18.25 |
Player 17 |
Killed Player with a DamType_SniperShot |
18.26 |
Spindrift |
Killed Player 17 with a DamType_SniperShot |
18.38 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed tiny.avenger with a Shock Rifle |
18.40 |
ßros.qdmx` |
Suicided with an Unknown Weapon |
18.40 |
ßros.qdmx` |
brb |
18.40 |
ßros.qdmx` |
«ßîç»Quadramix` is now AFK. |
18.40 |
ßros.qdmx` |
Disconnected |
18.46 |
Red Team Scored Frag! |
18.49 |
SoL°Burr!to |
pro |
18.65 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed Player 15 with a Flak Cannon |
18.74 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Killed Player 17 with a Shock Rifle |
18.84 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Killed tiny.avenger with a Flak Cannon |
18.89 |
Spindrift |
Killed =patty with a DamType_SniperShot |
18.93 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
19.14 |
Player |
Killed Sue_A._Side with a DamType_ShockBeam |
19.20 |
SoL°Burr!to |
pro |
19.21 |
Red Team Scored Frag! |
19.46 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed Player 15 with a DamType_ShockBeam |
19.56 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
19.63 |
=patty |
Killed Player 10 with a DamType_ShockBeam |
19.64 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
19.73 |
Player |
Killed Sue_A._Side with a Flak Cannon |
19.73 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
19.82 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Killed =patty with a DamType_Rocket |
19.85 |
Player 15 |
Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a Flak Cannon |
19.92 |
tiny.avenger |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a Flak Cannon |
19.94 |
SoL°Burr!to |
o |
19.95 |
=patty |
res |
19.96 |
Spindrift |
Killed tiny.avenger with a DamType_SniperShot |
20.19 |
Player 15 |
Killed Player 10 with a DamType_Rocket |
20.22 |
Spindrift |
Killed Player 15 with a DamType_SniperShot |
20.26 |
=patty |
Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a DamType_ShockBeam |
20.35 |
Spindrift |
Killed Sue_A._Side with a DamType_SniperShot |
20.36 |
tiny.avenger has voted for FR-PipeWorks][-Night(FreonMulti) |
20.46 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Killed Player 17 with a DamType_ShockBeam |
20.53 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed =patty with a DamType_SniperShot |
20.60 |
Red Team Scored Frag! |
20.60 |
Game Ended - Team Score Limit |