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Chat Log for Welcome To New SoL1! Noob Friendly Server Chi - FR-Signify
on Wed, Sep 25 2024 at 9:12:07 PM
Minutes Player Text
-0.99 defective_ROBOT Connected
-0.99 defective_ROBOT Team Change to Red Team
-0.98 Player 17 Connected
-0.98 Player 17 Team Change to Blue Team
-0.98 Player 11 Connected
-0.98 Player 11 Team Change to Red Team
-0.98 sol.hav Connected
-0.98 sol.hav Team Change to Blue Team
-0.96 [KBEC]Dubois Connected
-0.96 [KBEC]Dubois Team Change to Red Team
-0.96 SoL}2TooKes* Connected
-0.96 SoL}2TooKes* Team Change to Blue Team
-0.95 quadramix Connected
-0.95 quadramix Team Change to Red Team
-0.95 Contender Connected
-0.95 Contender Team Change to Blue Team
-0.95 honkersz!* Connected
-0.95 honkersz!* Team Change to Red Team
-0.94 pigñoççhìo Connected
-0.94 pigñoççhìo Team Change to Blue Team
-0.93 Player 43 Connected
-0.93 Player 43 Team Change to Red Team
-0.37 Player 43 bros vs all
-0.23 Contender
-0.18 Contender !
-0.18 pigñoççhìo no issues with the beta adrenaline tookes ,,, no stuttering like it was
-0.06 [KBEC]Dubois Team Change to Blue Team
-0.06 Contender Team Change to Red Team
-0.06 honkersz!* Team Change to Blue Team
-0.06 pigñoççhìo Team Change to Red Team
0.00 Game Start
0.20 pigñoççhìo Killed [KBEC]Dubois with a Shock Rifle
0.21 Player 11 Suicided
0.21 Player 11 Disconnected
0.26 Player 43 Killed SoL}2TooKes* with a DamType_ShieldImpact
0.30 Player 17 Killed quadramix with a DamType_MinigunBullet
0.33 [KBEC]Dubois ahh
0.50 honkersz!* Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_SniperShot
0.63 Contender Killed sol.hav with a DamType_ShockBeam
0.65 defective_ROBOT Killed Player 17 with a DamType_SniperShot
0.68 pigñoççhìo chew]
0.89 pigñoççhìo kickass
1.01 pigñoççhìo high
1.05 pigñoççhìo high
1.14 pigñoççhìo
1.24 Player 43 Killed honkersz!* with a DamType_ShieldImpact
1.30 Red Team Scored Frag!
1.37 Player 17 bon essay
1.44 honkersz!* xd
1.59 quadramix Killed sol.hav with a DamType_ShockBeam
1.60 [KBEC]Dubois Killed Contender with a DamType_SniperShot
1.62 defective_ROBOT Killed honkersz!* with a DamType_ShockBeam
1.64 [KBEC]Dubois Killed quadramix with a DamType_SniperShot
1.75 defective_ROBOT Killed SoL}2TooKes* with a DamType_ShockBeam
1.79 Player 17 Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_SniperShot
1.85 Player 17 Killed Player 43 with a Flak Cannon
1.90 sol.hav Killed defective_ROBOT with a DamType_SniperShot
1.96 Blue Team Scored Frag!
1.99 [KBEC]Dubois croissant
2.04 honkersz!* aaaaAAAAAhhhh ouiiiiiiii ! Croissant au jambon'ed !
2.20 quadramix Killed honkersz!* with a DamType_ShockBeam
2.24 Player 17 Killed quadramix with a DamType_Rocket
2.28 pigñoççhìo Killed SoL}2TooKes* with a DamType_Rocket
2.30 [KBEC]Dubois Killed Contender with a DamType_ShockBeam
2.36 pigñoççhìo Killed sol.hav with a DamType_SniperShot
2.37 [KBEC]Dubois Killed pigñoççhìo with a Shock Rifle
2.50 [KBEC]Dubois Killed defective_ROBOT with a DamType_SniperShot
2.53 Player 43 Killed Player 17 with a DamType_ShieldImpact
2.80 sol.hav Killed quadramix with a Flak Cannon
2.83 [KBEC]Dubois Killed Player 43 with a DamType_SniperShot
2.86 pigñoççhìo Killed honkersz!* with a Shock Rifle
3.00 sol.hav Killed Contender with a Flak Cannon
3.05 [KBEC]Dubois Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_SniperShot
3.12 Blue Team Scored Frag!
3.32 Player 43 Killed honkersz!* with a DamType_ShieldImpact
3.39 SoL}2TooKes* Killed defective_ROBOT with a DamType_ShockBeam
3.43 Player 17 Killed Contender with a DamType_MinigunBullet
3.43 Player 8 Connected
3.46 Player 8 ugondie2
3.49 defective_ROBOT Headshot sol.hav with a DamTypeHeadshot
3.61 [KBEC]Dubois Killed quadramix with a DamType_SniperShot
3.75 pigñoççhìo Killed honkersz!* with a DamType_ShockBeam
3.76 Player 43 Killed [KBEC]Dubois with a DamType_ShieldImpact
3.79 [KBEC]Dubois ahah
3.79 defective_ROBOT Killed SoL}2TooKes* with a DamType_ShockBeam
3.83 Player 17 Killed Player 43 with a DamType_Rocket
4.13 [KBEC]Dubois nuts
4.24 quadramix Killed Player 17 with a DamType_ShockBeam
4.27 pigñoççhìo Killed SoL}2TooKes* with a DamType_ShockBeam
4.33 Red Team Scored Frag!
4.47 SoL}2TooKes* gethigh
4.61 [KBEC]Dubois Killed Contender with a Shock Rifle
4.61 honkersz!* Killed defective_ROBOT with a DamType_ShockBeam
4.68 Player 17 Killed Player 8 with a DamType_Rocket
4.74 Contender Killed [KBEC]Dubois with a DamType_ShockBeam
4.75 SoL}2TooKes* Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_ShockBeam
4.75 Contender Killed honkersz!* with a DamType_ShockBeam
4.79 SoL}2TooKes* Killed Player 43 with a DamType_SniperShot
4.79 quadramix Killed sol.hav with a Shock Rifle
4.86 pigñoççhìo Killed Player 17 with a DamType_Rocket
4.91 Player 17 res
4.95 [KBEC]Dubois Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_SniperShot
5.16 SoL}2TooKes* Killed Player 43 with a DamType_ShockBeam
5.17 sol.hav Killed Contender with a DamType_SniperShot
5.19 defective_ROBOT Killed SoL}2TooKes* with a DamType_ShockBeam
5.20 [KBEC]Dubois Killed defective_ROBOT with a DamType_SniperShot
5.27 quadramix Killed sol.hav with a DamType_ShockBeam
5.33 quadramix Killed honkersz!* with a DamType_ShockBeam
5.43 Player 17 Killed quadramix with a DamType_MinigunBullet
5.44 Player 8 Killed Player 17 with a Shock Rifle
5.55 [KBEC]Dubois Killed Player 8 with a DamType_ShockBall
5.61 pigñoççhìo Killed SoL}2TooKes* with a DamType_Rocket
5.72 SoL}2TooKes* flying hax
6.03 Contender Killed [KBEC]Dubois with a DamType_ShockBeam
6.08 Player 43 Killed sol.hav with a DamType_ShieldImpact
6.11 [KBEC]Dubois croissant
6.12 Player 17 Headshot quadramix with a DamTypeHeadshot
6.21 honkersz!* croissant
6.29 honkersz!* Killed Player 43 with a DamType_SniperShot
6.30 Contender Killed Player 17 with a DamType_ShockBeam
6.33 defective_ROBOT Killed honkersz!* with a DamType_ShockBeam
6.33 [KBEC]Dubois best laugh ever
6.38 honkersz!* xd
6.40 Red Team Scored Frag!
6.44 honkersz!* yes lmao
6.57 Player 43 Killed honkersz!* with a DamType_ShieldImpact
6.68 [KBEC]Dubois Killed Contender with a DamType_ShockBeam
6.71 sol.hav Killed quadramix with a Flak Cannon
6.75 Player 43 Killed SoL}2TooKes* with a DamType_ShieldImpact
6.78 SoL}2TooKes* :O
6.81 [KBEC]Dubois Killed defective_ROBOT with a DamType_SniperShot
6.81 pigñoççhìo Killed sol.hav with a DamType_SniperShot
6.88 [KBEC]Dubois asas
6.98 quadramix Killed honkersz!* with a DamType_ShockBeam
6.99 defective_ROBOT Killed SoL}2TooKes* with a DamType_ShockBeam
7.05 pigñoççhìo Killed [KBEC]Dubois with a DamType_ShockBeam
7.15 [KBEC]Dubois -ass
7.15 quadramix Killed sol.hav with a DamType_SniperShot
7.18 quadramix Killed Player 17 with a DamType_SniperShot
7.24 Red Team Scored Frag!
7.50 pigñoççhìo Killed honkersz!* with a DamType_SniperShot
7.52 [KBEC]Dubois Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_ShockBeam
7.55 defective_ROBOT Killed [KBEC]Dubois with a DamType_Rocket
7.57 pigñoççhìo wanted
7.60 Player 43 Killed sol.hav with a DamType_ShieldImpact
7.61 [KBEC]Dubois caca
7.69 quadramix Killed SoL}2TooKes* with a DamType_SniperShot
7.88 sol.hav Killed Player 43 with a DamType_ShieldImpact
7.88 quadramix Killed sol.hav with a Shock Rifle
7.95 pigñoççhìo Killed Player 17 with a DamType_SniperShot
7.97 [KBEC]Dubois come on havs, stop being an -ass
8.01 Red Team Scored Frag!
8.25 SoL}2TooKes* Killed quadramix with a Shock Rifle
8.33 Player 17 Killed Contender with a DamType_SniperShot
8.39 honkersz!* Killed Player 8 with a DamType_ShockBeam
8.45 pigñoççhìo Killed sol.hav with a Flak Cannon
8.50 pigñoççhìo Killed SoL}2TooKes* with a DamType_ShockBeam
8.50 SoL}2TooKes* Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_Rocket
8.58 sol.hav Killed defective_ROBOT with a DamType_SniperShot
8.69 quadramix Killed Player 17 with a DamType_Rocket
8.75 quadramix Killed sol.hav with a DamType_ShockBeam
8.76 honkersz!* Killed Player 8 with a DamType_ShockBeam
8.95 pigñoççhìo Killed [KBEC]Dubois with a Shock Rifle
8.95 quadramix Killed SoL}2TooKes* with a DamType_SniperShot
8.96 honkersz!* Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_ShockBeam
9.02 [KBEC]Dubois haha ucky u
9.06 Player 17 spec join
9.20 honkersz!* Killed quadramix with a DamType_LinkShaft
9.29 honkersz!* meh
9.36 defective_ROBOT Killed honkersz!* with a DamType_SniperShot
9.43 honkersz!* meh 2x
9.45 defective_ROBOT Killed [KBEC]Dubois with a Shock Rifle
9.48 quadramix hah
9.60 [KBEC]Dubois caliss t'es fatiguante
9.65 SoL}2TooKes* Killed Player 43 with a DamType_SniperShot
9.71 defective_ROBOT Killed Player 17 with a DamType_ShockBeam
9.77 honkersz!* c'est une grand merde kekw
9.78 Contender Killed SoL}2TooKes* with a DamType_ShockBeam
9.79 quadramix Killed sol.hav with a Shock Rifle
9.79 Player 17 res
9.85 pigñoççhìo polp
9.86 Red Team Scored Frag!
9.90 [KBEC]Dubois croissant
9.96 honkersz!* xd
10.04 Player 17 Killed quadramix with a DamType_Rocket
10.06 Contender Killed honkersz!* with a DamType_SniperShot
10.09 SoL}2TooKes* Killed Contender with a DamType_SniperShot
10.10 defective_ROBOT Killed sol.hav with a DamType_SniperShot
10.14 Player 43 Killed [KBEC]Dubois with a DamType_ShieldImpact
10.18 [KBEC]Dubois ahh
10.19 Player 17 RES
10.21 honkersz!* aaaaAAAAAhhhh ouiiiiiiii ! Croissant au jambon'ed !
10.37 SoL}2TooKes* Killed Player 43 with a DamType_SniperShot
10.45 defective_ROBOT Killed honkersz!* with a DamType_ShockBeam
10.53 quadramix Killed sol.hav with a DamType_ShockBeam
10.54 defective_ROBOT Killed Player 17 with a DamType_ShockBeam
10.60 sol.hav Suicided
10.60 sol.hav Disconnected
10.65 SoL}2TooKes* Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_SniperShot
10.76 Contender Killed SoL}2TooKes* with a DamType_ShockBeam
10.95 Contender Killed [KBEC]Dubois with a DamType_ShockBeam
11.02 SoL}2TooKes* teams
11.02 Red Team Scored Frag!
11.03 [KBEC]Dubois Fuckity
11.15 quadramix Killed honkersz!* with a DamType_ShockBeam
11.23 Player 17 Killed Player 8 with a DamType_Rocket
11.36 quadramix Killed Player 43 with a DamType_ShockBeam
11.61 Player 43 Killed defective_ROBOT with a Flak Cannon
11.63 SoL}2TooKes* Killed Contender with a DamType_SniperShot
11.66 quadramix Killed Player 43 with a DamType_SniperShot
11.67 Player 8 Killed Player 17 with a Flak Cannon
11.71 honkersz!* Killed quadramix with a DamType_SniperShot
11.79 honkersz!* Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_ShockBeam
11.82 SoL}2TooKes* Killed Player 8 with a DamType_SniperShot
11.88 [KBEC]Dubois Killed defective_ROBOT with a DamType_ShockBeam
11.89 sol.hav Connected
11.95 Blue Team Scored Frag!
11.97 *»Spèéd°Dêmöñ«* Connected
12.12 SoL}2TooKes* Killed *»Spèéd°Dêmöñ«* with a Shock Rifle
12.13 Contender Killed sol.hav with a DamType_ShockBeam
12.20 honkersz!* Killed quadramix with a DamType_ShockBeam
12.23 quadramix !
12.28 pigñoççhìo Killed Player 17 with a DamType_SniperShot
12.28 Player 43 Killed defective_ROBOT with a DamType_MinigunBullet
12.43 honkersz!* Suicided
12.47 *»Spèéd°Dêmöñ«* back from cig break lel
12.51 [KBEC]Dubois Killed Player 8 with a DamType_SniperShot
12.53 Player 43 Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_SniperShot
12.54 Contender Killed sol.hav with a DamType_ShockBeam
12.56 Player 43 Killed defective_ROBOT with a Flak Cannon
12.58 Contender Killed SoL}2TooKes* with a Shock Rifle
12.59 Player 17 Killed quadramix with a Flak Cannon
12.62 Contender Killed Player 43 with a DamType_ShockBeam
12.64 Player 17 Killed Contender with a Flak Cannon
12.71 Blue Team Scored Frag!
12.77 Player 17 exotic now u join enh
12.84 Player 17 interesting
12.87 SoL}2TooKes* Killed Contender with a DamType_SniperShot
12.90 *»Spèéd°Dêmöñ«* on the winning team aswell
12.94 Player 43 Killed *»Spèéd°Dêmöñ«* with a DamType_BioGlob
13.00 Contender teens
13.01 *»Spèéd°Dêmöñ«* haha mb
13.02 Player 8 Killed Player 43 with a Flak Cannon
13.03 honkersz!* Killed quadramix with a DamType_ShockBeam
13.17 Player 43 im the winning team
13.18 Player 8 Killed sol.hav with a Flak Cannon
13.19 SoL}2TooKes* Killed defective_ROBOT with a DamType_SniperShot
13.26 [KBEC]Dubois Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_SniperShot
13.27 honkersz!* Killed quadramix with a DamType_ShockBeam
13.31 honkersz!* yes
13.38 SoL}2TooKes* Killed Player 8 with a DamType_Rocket
13.54 quadramix Killed sol.hav with a DamType_ShockBeam
13.59 Contender Killed [KBEC]Dubois with a DamType_ShockBeam
13.60 SoL}2TooKes* Killed quadramix with a DamType_MinigunBullet
13.70 Player 43 Killed Contender with a DamType_ShieldImpact
13.77 Blue Team Scored Frag!
13.88 SoL}2TooKes* Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_SniperShot
13.94 Player 8 Killed Player 43 with a DamType_BioGlob
14.02 Player 17 Killed Contender with a DamType_Rocket
14.03 pigñoççhìo NO TOOKES FOR YOU
14.06 defective_ROBOT Killed SoL}2TooKes* with a DamType_ShockBeam
14.07 defective_ROBOT Killed Player 17 with a DamType_ShockBeam
14.12 [KBEC]Dubois Killed Player 8 with a DamType_Rocket
14.15 sol.hav Headshot *»Spèéd°Dêmöñ«* with a DamTypeHeadshot
14.28 quadramix Killed sol.hav with a DamType_ShockBeam
14.43 Player 43 Killed quadramix with a DamType_Rocket
14.47 defective_ROBOT Killed Player 43 with a Shock Rifle
14.53 [KBEC]Dubois Killed defective_ROBOT with a Shock Rifle
14.73 sol.hav Killed Contender with a DamType_ShockBeam
14.95 [KBEC]Dubois Killed Player 8 with a DamType_ShockBeam
15.02 Blue Team Scored Frag!
15.02 [KBEC]Dubois croissant
15.21 defective_ROBOT Killed Player 17 with a Shock Rifle
15.25 Player 17 res
15.28 *»Spèéd°Dêmöñ«* Killed SoL}2TooKes* with a DamType_SniperShot
15.37 Player 17 Killed quadramix with a DamType_Rocket
15.39 sol.hav Killed Player 8 with a DamType_SniperShot
15.44 defective_ROBOT Headshot sol.hav with a DamTypeHeadshot
15.48 pigñoççhìo Killed honkersz!* with a DamType_ShockBeam
15.54 Contender Killed Player 17 with a DamType_ShockBeam
15.58 Player 43 Killed defective_ROBOT with a DamType_Rocket
15.62 honkersz!* don't res, bring us double damage
15.62 defective_ROBOT lol
15.62 Contender Killed [KBEC]Dubois with a DamType_ShockBeam
15.64 honkersz!* =kekw
15.66 Contender Killed SoL}2TooKes* with a DamType_ShockBeam
15.70 Contender Suicided with a DamType_ShockBall
15.71 sol.hav Killed pigñoççhìo with a Flak Cannon
15.78 Player 17 Killed *»Spèéd°Dêmöñ«* with a DamType_Rocket
15.90 Player 43 Suicided with a DamType_Rocket
15.91 sol.hav Killed quadramix with a DamType_Rocket
15.95 Player 8 Killed sol.hav with a Flak Cannon
15.96 Contender Killed Player 17 with a DamType_ShockBeam
16.00 SoL}2TooKes* Killed Player 8 with a DamType_Rocket
16.16 defective_ROBOT Headshot honkersz!* with a DamTypeHeadshot
16.30 SoL}2TooKes* Killed Contender with a DamType_ShockBeam
16.40 Player 43 Headshot defective_ROBOT with a DamTypeHeadshot
16.44 Player 43 Killed quadramix with a DamType_SniperShot
16.48 sol.hav Killed Player 8 with a DamType_LinkShaft
16.65 [KBEC]Dubois Killed *»Spèéd°Dêmöñ«* with a Shock Rifle
16.66 honkersz!* Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_SniperShot
16.78 defective_ROBOT Killed Player 43 with a DamType_ShockBeam
16.82 sol.hav Killed defective_ROBOT with a Flak Cannon
16.89 Blue Team Scored Frag!
16.97 [KBEC]Dubois prêt pour la saison ?
17.11 honkersz!* Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_ShockBeam
17.14 quadramix Killed SoL}2TooKes* with a DamType_Rocket
17.28 [KBEC]Dubois Killed quadramix with a Flak Cannon
17.33 Player 8 Killed Player 17 with a Flak Cannon
17.33 [KBEC]Dubois Killed Player 8 with a DamType_SniperShot
17.40 *»Spèéd°Dêmöñ«* Killed [KBEC]Dubois with a DamType_SniperShot
17.42 [KBEC]Dubois g1
17.47 honkersz!* Killed *»Spèéd°Dêmöñ«* with a DamType_SniperShot
17.59 defective_ROBOT Killed honkersz!* with a DamType_ShockBeam
17.61 Player 43 Killed Contender with a DamType_Rocket
17.65 SoL}2TooKes* Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_MinigunBullet
17.67 Player 43 Suicided with a Flak Cannon
17.81 sol.hav Killed defective_ROBOT with a DamType_SniperShot
17.93 SoL}2TooKes* Headshot quadramix with a DamTypeHeadshot
18.00 Player 43 Killed Contender with a DamType_SniperShot
18.12 SoL}2TooKes* Killed *»Spèéd°Dêmöñ«* with a Flak Cannon
18.15 Player 8 Killed sol.hav with a Flak Cannon
18.21 honkersz!* Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_SniperShot
18.33 Player 43 Headshot Player 8 with a DamTypeHeadshot
18.38 SoL}2TooKes* Killed quadramix with a DamType_SniperShot
18.44 Blue Team Scored Frag!
18.67 SoL}2TooKes* Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_SniperShot
18.68 honkersz!* Killed quadramix with a DamType_ShockBeam
18.73 quadramix yarrr
18.76 defective_ROBOT Killed Player 17 with a DamType_ShockBeam
18.77 honkersz!* YARR!
18.78 Contender Killed SoL}2TooKes* with a DamType_ShockBeam
18.85 honkersz!* Killed Player 8 with a DamType_ShockBeam
18.88 [KBEC]Dubois Killed *»Spèéd°Dêmöñ«* with a DamType_SniperShot
18.90 defective_ROBOT Killed honkersz!* with a Flak Cannon
18.95 SoL}2TooKes* Killed Contender with a DamType_SniperShot
18.98 sol.hav Killed defective_ROBOT with a Shock Rifle
19.00 honkersz!* la saison des croissants? ouiiii
19.05 Blue Team Scored Frag!
19.18 Player 43 Killed Contender with a DamType_BioGlob
19.29 defective_ROBOT Killed Player 43 with a DamType_SniperShot
19.32 honkersz!* Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_ShockBeam
19.33 defective_ROBOT Killed SoL}2TooKes* with a DamType_ShockBeam
19.43 [KBEC]Dubois Killed *»Spèéd°Dêmöñ«* with a Shock Rifle
19.46 quadramix Killed Player 17 with a DamType_ShockBeam
19.46 sol.hav Killed Player 8 with a DamType_SniperShot
19.52 defective_ROBOT Killed [KBEC]Dubois with a Shock Rifle
19.65 defective_ROBOT Headshot honkersz!* with a DamTypeHeadshot
19.70 *»Spèéd°Dêmöñ«* Killed sol.hav with a DamType_SniperShot
19.76 Red Team Scored Frag!
19.94 Contender Killed sol.hav with a DamType_ShockBeam
19.99 Player 17 Killed defective_ROBOT with a DamType_Rocket
20.08 honkersz!* Killed Contender with a DamType_MinigunBullet
20.11 [KBEC]Dubois Killed quadramix with a DamType_ShockBeam
20.12 Player 43 Killed *»Spèéd°Dêmöñ«* with a DamType_SniperShot
20.15 [KBEC]Dubois Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_SniperShot
20.29 Player 43 Killed Player 8 with a DamType_SniperShot
20.34 honkersz!* aaaaAAAAAhhhh ouiiiiiiii ! Croissant au jambon'ed !
20.35 Blue Team Scored Frag!
20.35 Game Ended - Team Score Limit

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