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Chat Log for Welcome To New SoL1! Noob Friendly Server Chi - FR-DE-Grendelkeep-Wulf
on Wed, Nov 13 2024 at 10:56:36 PM
Minutes Player Text
-0.97 Spindrift Connected
-0.97 Spindrift Team Change to Red Team
-0.97 Someone_else Connected
-0.97 Someone_else Team Change to Blue Team
-0.97 Dee3 Connected
-0.97 Dee3 Team Change to Red Team
-0.96 GunzaBlaZn Connected
-0.96 GunzaBlaZn Team Change to Blue Team
-0.96 xnyjyh Connected
-0.96 xnyjyh Team Change to Red Team
-0.96 Sol°PhXxx Connected
-0.96 Sol°PhXxx Team Change to Blue Team
-0.95 computerquip Connected
-0.95 computerquip Team Change to Red Team
-0.95 SoL}FRANKENSTONE Connected
-0.95 SoL}FRANKENSTONE Team Change to Blue Team
-0.94 ws.snarf Connected
-0.94 ws.snarf Team Change to Red Team
-0.93 SoL{No_Mercy Connected
-0.93 SoL{No_Mercy Team Change to Blue Team
-0.92 _H@mmi_ Connected
-0.92 _H@mmi_ Team Change to Red Team
-0.92 mangeur_de_croissant Connected
-0.92 mangeur_de_croissant Team Change to Blue Team
-0.89 Player 19 Connected
-0.89 Player 19 Team Change to Red Team
-0.77 Dee3 he will listen, you just have to bribe him
-0.74 ws.snarf has bind to say *** YOU HAVE ADREN ***
-0.70 xnyjyh baster warp machine tonight
-0.68 ws.snarf no bind to use adren
-0.61 mangeur_de_croissant =kekw
-0.32 mangeur_de_croissant hence why he's the tiny avenger
-0.05 Dee3 Team Change to Blue Team
-0.05 computerquip Team Change to Blue Team
-0.05 SoL{No_Mercy Team Change to Red Team
0.00 Game Start
0.18 Someone_else Suicided with a DamType_Camping
0.22 mangeur_de_croissant Killed xnyjyh with a DamType_ShockBeam
0.30 computerquip Killed _H@mmi_ with a Shock Rifle
0.42 mangeur_de_croissant Killed Player 19 with a DamType_ShockBeam
0.45 Spindrift Killed computerquip with a DamType_SniperShot
0.53 Spindrift Killed Sol°PhXxx with a DamType_ShockBeam
0.56 GunzaBlaZn Killed Spindrift with a DamType_ShockBeam
0.57 ws.snarf Killed mangeur_de_croissant with a DamType_ShockBeam
0.65 ws.snarf Headshot GunzaBlaZn with a DamTypeHeadshot
0.79 Spindrift flatliners
0.84 computerquip Killed _H@mmi_ with a DamType_ShockBeam
0.86 mangeur_de_croissant Killed ws.snarf with a DamType_SniperShot
0.89 SoL{No_Mercy Killed SoL}FRANKENSTONE with a Flak Cannon
1.08 mangeur_de_croissant Killed xnyjyh with a DamType_ShockBeam
1.14 mangeur_de_croissant Killed Spindrift with a DamType_ShockBeam
1.16 mangeur_de_croissant Doooooble Kill !!!!11!!!!1
1.25 Someone_else ~frame
1.31 xnyjyh Killed computerquip with a DamType_ShockBeam
1.34 Dee3 Suicided with a DamType_Rocket
1.34 xnyjyh Killed mangeur_de_croissant with a DamType_SniperShot
1.37 Someone_else frame
1.43 Sol°PhXxx Killed xnyjyh with a Flak Cannon
1.47 SoL{No_Mercy Killed GunzaBlaZn with a DamType_SniperShot
1.61 computerquip Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a DamType_SniperShot
1.79 Spindrift frame
1.92 computerquip Killed Player 19 with a DamType_SniperShot
1.96 SoL{No_Mercy nt
1.98 Blue Team Scored Frag!
2.21 Player 19 Killed GunzaBlaZn with a DamType_ShockBeam
2.27 xnyjyh Killed Dee3 with a DamType_ShockBeam
2.29 ws.snarf Killed SoL}FRANKENSTONE with a DamType_ShockBeam
2.30 Spindrift Killed computerquip with a DamType_SniperShot
2.38 Player 19 Killed mangeur_de_croissant with a DamType_Rocket
2.53 Spindrift Killed Sol°PhXxx with a DamType_ShockBeam
2.58 ws.snarf Killed Someone_else with a DamType_ShockBeam
2.64 Red Team Scored Frag!
2.90 Spindrift Headshot mangeur_de_croissant with a DamTypeHeadshot
2.95 Player 19 Killed Dee3 with a DamType_ShockBeam
3.00 SoL{No_Mercy Killed SoL}FRANKENSTONE with a DamType_SniperShot
3.02 Spindrift Killed Sol°PhXxx with a DamType_Rocket
3.03 ws.snarf Killed GunzaBlaZn with a DamType_SniperShot
3.07 _H@mmi_ Killed computerquip with a DamType_ShockBeam
3.18 SoL{No_Mercy Killed Someone_else with a DamType_SniperShot
3.25 Red Team Scored Frag!
3.48 Spindrift Killed Sol°PhXxx with a DamType_ShockBeam
3.54 xnyjyh Killed GunzaBlaZn with a DamType_SniperShot
3.56 Dee3 Killed Spindrift with a DamType_SniperShot
3.58 SoL{No_Mercy Killed Dee3 with a Shock Rifle
3.60 Spindrift frame
3.62 Someone_else Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a Flak Cannon
3.71 ws.snarf Killed SoL}FRANKENSTONE with a DamType_ShockBeam
3.74 Spindrift flatliners
3.81 mangeur_de_croissant Killed _H@mmi_ with a DamType_ShockBeam
3.83 Sol°PhXxx Killed Player 19 with a DamType_SniperShot
3.88 ws.snarf Killed Sol°PhXxx with a DamType_SniperShot
3.92 computerquip Killed xnyjyh with a DamType_ShockBeam
4.09 Spindrift Killed mangeur_de_croissant with a DamType_SniperShot
4.15 computerquip Killed _H@mmi_ with a DamType_ShockBeam
4.24 SoL{No_Mercy Killed Dee3 with a DamType_ShockBeam
4.25 ws.snarf Killed Someone_else with a DamType_ShockBeam
4.31 Sol°PhXxx Killed Spindrift with a Flak Cannon
4.46 xnyjyh Killed Sol°PhXxx with a DamType_ShockBeam
4.49 GunzaBlaZn Killed Player 19 with a DamType_Rocket
4.56 computerquip Killed xnyjyh with a DamType_SniperShot
4.67 GunzaBlaZn Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a DamType_Rocket
4.68 ws.snarf Killed computerquip with a DamType_SniperShot
4.68 _H@mmi_ Killed GunzaBlaZn with a DamType_SniperShot
4.69 mangeur_de_croissant Killed ws.snarf with a DamType_SniperShot
4.78 _H@mmi_ Killed SoL}FRANKENSTONE with a DamType_ShockBeam
4.96 SoL{No_Mercy TY for the snuggles
5.04 Dee3 Killed Spindrift with a DamType_BioGlob
5.10 Spindrift flatliners
5.12 _H@mmi_ Killed mangeur_de_croissant with a DamType_Rocket
5.18 mangeur_de_croissant high
5.20 _H@mmi_ Killed Sol°PhXxx with a Flak Cannon
5.20 computerquip Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a DamType_ShockBeam
5.30 ws.snarf Killed Someone_else with a DamType_ShockBeam
5.32 mangeur_de_croissant Killed _H@mmi_ with a DamType_SniperShot
5.35 mangeur_de_croissant YARR!
5.48 GunzaBlaZn Killed Player 19 with a DamType_Rocket
5.55 ws.snarf Killed GunzaBlaZn with a DamType_SniperShot
5.61 ws.snarf Killed Dee3 with a DamType_ShockBeam
5.73 computerquip Killed ws.snarf with a DamType_ShockBeam
5.75 xnyjyh Killed Sol°PhXxx with a DamType_ShockBeam
5.90 _H@mmi_ rthawuionj lkeft side
5.97 Spindrift Timmy
5.97 xnyjyh Killed mangeur_de_croissant with a Shock Rifle
6.04 Someone_else Killed xnyjyh with a DamType_SniperShot
6.12 computerquip Suicided with a DamType_Overtime
6.23 ws.snarf benny
6.24 Spindrift Frame1
6.31 Dee3 cant shoot wierd as fuck
6.49 Spindrift Killed Someone_else with a DamType_ShockBeam
6.51 Sol°PhXxx Killed ws.snarf with a Flak Cannon
6.57 _H@mmi_ Killed Sol°PhXxx with a DamType_SniperShot
6.67 Dee3 Suicided with a DamType_Overtime
6.70 SoL{No_Mercy Killed SoL}FRANKENSTONE with a DamType_SniperShot
6.78 xnyjyh Killed mangeur_de_croissant with a DamType_ShockBeam
6.82 SoL{No_Mercy Killed GunzaBlaZn with a DamType_SniperShot
6.84 Player 19 Suicided with a DamType_Overtime
6.87 Spindrift Headshot Sol°PhXxx with a DamTypeHeadshot
6.93 Red Team Scored Frag!
6.96 Dee3 does that happen to others sometimes?> like cant fire weapon
7.02 Spindrift Timmy1
7.12 Someone_else yes
7.22 Someone_else Suicided with a Flak Cannon
7.30 GunzaBlaZn Killed _H@mmi_ with a DamType_Rocket
7.34 SoL{No_Mercy Killed SoL}FRANKENSTONE with a DamType_ShockBeam
7.37 Spindrift Killed mangeur_de_croissant with a DamType_SniperShot
7.38 GunzaBlaZn Killed Player 19 with a DamType_ShockBeam
7.48 ws.snarf Killed Sol°PhXxx with a DamType_ShockBeam
7.49 Spindrift Killed GunzaBlaZn with a DamType_SniperShot
7.50 computerquip Killed xnyjyh with a DamType_ShockBeam
7.55 Someone_else Headshot Spindrift with a DamTypeHeadshot
7.68 Dee3 Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a DamType_SniperShot
7.69 Spindrift frame2
7.72 xnyjyh Killed computerquip with a DamType_ShockBeam
7.77 _H@mmi_ Killed Someone_else with a DamType_ShockBeam
7.94 Dee3 Killed ws.snarf with a DamType_ShockBeam
8.02 _H@mmi_ Killed Dee3 with a DamType_SniperShot
8.19 Spindrift Killed SoL}FRANKENSTONE with a DamType_SniperShot
8.19 SoL}FRANKENSTONE Killed xnyjyh with a Flak Cannon
8.55 Someone_else if you drop the weapon Dee then you can shoot again
8.61 _H@mmi_ Killed Sol°PhXxx with a DamType_Rocket
8.63 Spindrift Killed GunzaBlaZn with a DamType_ShockBeam
8.65 SoL{No_Mercy Killed mangeur_de_croissant with a Shock Rifle
8.72 mangeur_de_croissant yeah
8.75 Spindrift Killed computerquip with a DamType_SniperShot
8.75 Dee3 gotcha, will have to bind that
8.80 mangeur_de_croissant ^6!!¡¡ FREE^7 %W ^6FOR YOU !!¡¡
8.82 mangeur_de_croissant ^6!!¡¡ FREE^7 %W ^6FOR YOU !!¡¡
8.84 mangeur_de_croissant ^6!!¡¡ FREE^7 %W ^6FOR YOU !!¡¡
9.05 Spindrift Fell to their death
9.07 SoL{No_Mercy Headshot Someone_else with a DamTypeHeadshot
9.08 Spindrift yes
9.13 Red Team Scored Frag!
9.13 mangeur_de_croissant yes
9.34 Player 40 Connected
9.36 _H@mmi_ Killed SoL}FRANKENSTONE with a DamType_ShockBeam
9.48 computerquip Killed xnyjyh with a DamType_ShockBeam
9.53 Dee3 Killed ws.snarf with a DamType_ShockBeam
9.59 Spindrift Killed Someone_else with a DamType_SniperShot
9.68 mangeur_de_croissant Killed xnyjyh with a DamType_SniperShot
9.68 Spindrift Killed Sol°PhXxx with a DamType_ShockBeam
9.78 SoL{No_Mercy Killed mangeur_de_croissant with a DamType_ShockBeam
9.82 GunzaBlaZn Killed Spindrift with a DamType_ShockBeam
9.86 _H@mmi_ Killed Dee3 with a DamType_ShockBeam
9.91 Spindrift frame
9.92 SoL}FRANKENSTONE Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a Flak Cannon
9.94 Player 41 Connected
9.99 computerquip Killed Player 19 with a DamType_ShockBeam
10.01 Spindrift frame2
10.05 _H@mmi_ Killed computerquip with a DamType_ShockBeam
10.05 xnyjyh Killed GunzaBlaZn with a DamType_ShockBeam
10.12 Spindrift Killed SoL}FRANKENSTONE with a DamType_SniperShot
10.14 Dee3 Suicided with an Unknown Weapon
10.14 Dee3 Disconnected
10.17 Player 40 Disconnected
10.18 Red Team Scored Frag!
10.40 Spindrift Killed SoL}FRANKENSTONE with a DamType_ShockBeam
10.41 SoL{No_Mercy Killed Player 41 with a DamType_Rocket
10.50 xnyjyh Killed GunzaBlaZn with a DamType_ShockBeam
10.53 xnyjyh Killed Someone_else with a DamType_ShockBeam
10.55 mangeur_de_croissant Killed _H@mmi_ with a DamType_ShockBeam
10.60 Spindrift Killed mangeur_de_croissant with a DamType_ShockBeam
10.65 Player 41 Suicided with an Unknown Weapon
10.65 Player 41 Disconnected
10.68 Player 19 Killed Sol°PhXxx with a DamType_ShockBeam
10.84 SoL{No_Mercy Killed computerquip with a DamType_BioGlob
10.91 Red Team Scored Frag!
10.95 mangeur_de_croissant hello reflex can't believe you lost that cup v tygress last year
11.00 mangeur_de_croissant =thonk
11.19 SoL{No_Mercy Killed SoL}FRANKENSTONE with a DamType_SniperShot
11.32 xnyjyh Killed computerquip with a DamType_ShockBeam
11.37 Sol°PhXxx Killed xnyjyh with a DamType_ShockBeam
11.38 ws.snarf Killed mangeur_de_croissant with a DamType_ShockBeam
11.40 Spindrift Killed GunzaBlaZn with a DamType_SniperShot
11.55 Player 19 Killed Someone_else with a DamType_SniperShot
11.55 ws.snarf Killed SoL}FRANKENSTONE with a DamType_SniperShot
11.67 _H@mmi_ Killed Sol°PhXxx with a DamType_ShockBeam
11.83 ws.snarf teens
11.91 _H@mmi_ Killed GunzaBlaZn with a DamType_ShockBeam
12.07 computerquip Killed xnyjyh with a DamType_ShockBeam
12.24 Spindrift Killed SoL}FRANKENSTONE with a DamType_ShockBeam
12.27 Spindrift Killed computerquip with a DamType_ShockBeam
12.34 Red Team Scored Frag!
12.38 xnyjyh Suicided
12.38 xnyjyh Disconnected
12.66 GunzaBlaZn Killed ws.snarf with a DamType_ShockBeam
12.77 SoL}FRANKENSTONE Killed Player 19 with a Flak Cannon
12.81 mangeur_de_croissant Killed Spindrift with a DamType_ShockBeam
12.83 Sol°PhXxx Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a Flak Cannon
12.86 _H@mmi_ Killed Sol°PhXxx with a DamType_ShockBeam
12.92 _H@mmi_ Killed SoL}FRANKENSTONE with a DamType_ShockBeam
13.09 GunzaBlaZn Killed mangeur_de_croissant with a DamType_SniperShot
13.15 _H@mmi_ Killed ws.snarf with a DamType_ShockBeam
13.18 computerquip Killed Spindrift with a DamType_ShockBeam
13.26 _H@mmi_ Killed Someone_else with a DamType_SniperShot
13.29 GunzaBlaZn Killed computerquip with a DamType_ShockBeam
13.37 Red Team Scored Frag!
13.48 Player 41 Connected
13.49 Spindrift Suicided
13.49 Spindrift Disconnected
13.59 ws.snarf Killed _H@mmi_ with a DamType_ShockBeam
13.62 Player 19 Killed Someone_else with a DamType_ShockBeam
13.72 GunzaBlaZn Killed mangeur_de_croissant with a DamType_ShockBeam
13.73 ws.snarf Killed Player 19 with a Shock Rifle
13.84 GunzaBlaZn Knocked ws.snarf off a ledge
13.89 ws.snarf pop
13.89 _H@mmi_ Killed Sol°PhXxx with a DamType_ShockBeam
13.98 _H@mmi_ Killed mangeur_de_croissant with a DamType_Rocket
14.00 computerquip Killed GunzaBlaZn with a DamType_SniperShot
14.10 SoL{No_Mercy Killed SoL}FRANKENSTONE with a DamType_ShockBeam
14.20 computerquip Killed Player 19 with a DamType_SniperShot
14.23 _H@mmi_ Killed ws.snarf with a DamType_SniperShot
14.42 ws.snarf Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a DamType_ShockBeam
14.46 GunzaBlaZn Killed ws.snarf with a DamType_SniperShot
14.72 Player 19 Killed computerquip with a DamType_SniperShot
14.78 Red Team Scored Frag!
14.78 Spindrift Connected
15.05 computerquip Killed _H@mmi_ with a DamType_ShockBeam
15.16 Spindrift Killed SoL}FRANKENSTONE with a DamType_SniperShot
15.24 GunzaBlaZn Killed mangeur_de_croissant with a Shock Rifle
15.27 GunzaBlaZn Killed Sol°PhXxx with a Shock Rifle
15.28 ws.snarf Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a DamType_SniperShot
15.32 GunzaBlaZn Killed Someone_else with a Shock Rifle
15.36 _H@mmi_ Killed ws.snarf with a DamType_ShockBeam
15.43 SoL{No_Mercy Killed mangeur_de_croissant with a DamType_SniperShot
15.43 computerquip Killed _H@mmi_ with a DamType_SniperShot
15.56 Spindrift Killed SoL}FRANKENSTONE with a DamType_SniperShot
15.67 SoL{No_Mercy Suicided with a Shock Rifle
15.69 _H@mmi_ gg
15.71 GunzaBlaZn Killed computerquip with a Shock Rifle
15.71 SoL{No_Mercy oops
15.77 Red Team Scored Frag!
15.77 Game Ended - Team Score Limit

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