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Chat Log for Welcome To New SoL1! Noob Friendly Server Chi - FR-AM-Murk_][_B1
on Mon, Feb 17 2025 at 4:58:39 PM
Minutes Player Text
-0.97 X Connected
-0.97 X Team Change to Red Team
-0.97 TGUN Connected
-0.97 TGUN Team Change to Blue Team
-0.97 SoL{Klunxis Connected
-0.97 SoL{Klunxis Team Change to Red Team
-0.96 gmx Connected
-0.96 gmx Team Change to Blue Team
-0.95 SoL{DesTineD Connected
-0.95 SoL{DesTineD Team Change to Blue Team
-0.94 sol.snarf Connected
-0.94 sol.snarf Team Change to Red Team
-0.91 [EX3]Jet$ Connected
-0.91 [EX3]Jet$ Team Change to Red Team
-0.89 X I love cooking
-0.88 ZumZum* Connected
-0.88 ZumZum* Team Change to Blue Team
-0.88 SoL{Klunxis right !!
-0.79 X I live at the fire house
-0.74 SoL{DesTineD cookin is a sign of weakness
-0.73 SoL{Klunxis here are no Male chefs!
-0.65 X I Know a few men who cook there
-0.49 X more manly men than you ;)
-0.43 SoL{Klunxis All chefs are female
-0.34 SoL{DesTineD yes
-0.22 X lol sarcasm is strone
-0.18 X I hope....
-0.05 TGUN Team Change to Red Team
-0.05 SoL{DesTineD Team Change to Red Team
-0.05 sol.snarf Team Change to Blue Team
-0.05 [EX3]Jet$ Team Change to Blue Team
-0.01 X Disconnected
0.00 Game Start
0.15 [EX3]Jet$ Killed SoL{Klunxis with a Flak Cannon
0.27 SoL{Klunxis cocksuckers
0.34 gmx Killed SoL{DesTineD with a DamType_ShockBeam
0.47 [EX3]Jet$ Killed TGUN with a Flak Cannon
0.49 SoL{Klunxis Killed [EX3]Jet$ with a DamType_SniperShot
0.71 sol.snarf Killed SoL{Klunxis with a DamType_SniperShot
0.77 Blue Team Scored Frag!
0.85 pigñoççhìo Connected
1.02 ZumZum* Killed SoL{Klunxis with a Flak Cannon
1.23 ZumZum* everyone hide - long nose is here
1.24 gmx Killed TGUN with a DamType_ShockBeam
1.28 SoL{DesTineD Disconnected
1.34 Blue Team Scored Frag!
1.49 pigñoççhìo kick u in the zum
1.55 sol.snarf Killed SoL{Klunxis with a DamType_ShockBeam
1.72 ZumZum* come get me
1.81 SoL{Klunxis shes
1.86 sol.snarf Killed TGUN with a DamType_ShockBeam
1.91 gmx Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_SniperShot
1.99 ZumZum* rox
2.23 SoL{DesTineD Connected
2.23 ZumZum* Rox
2.35 ZumZum* ~Rox1
2.52 SoL{Klunxis Killed gmx with a DamType_Rocket
2.53 sol.snarf Killed SoL{Klunxis with a DamType_ShockBeam
2.67 TGUN Killed sol.snarf with a Shock Rifle
2.75 sol.snarf hax
2.79 pigñoççhìo Killed ZumZum* with a DamType_SniperShot
2.96 ZumZum* ~Sol1
3.04 pigñoççhìo Killed [EX3]Jet$ with a DamType_Rocket
3.21 ZumZum* ~Rox
3.25 ZumZum* ~Rox
3.28 ZumZum* ~Rox1
3.36 ZumZum* sol2
3.42 pigñoççhìo Killed gmx with a Shock Rifle
3.48 Red Team Scored Frag!
3.78 SoL{DesTineD Killed gmx with a DamType_ShockBeam
3.84 TGUN Killed ZumZum* with a DamType_LinkShaft
3.84 gmx Suicided with an Unknown Weapon
3.84 gmx Disconnected
4.02 SoL{Klunxis Killed [EX3]Jet$ with a DamType_Rocket
4.04 sol.snarf Killed SoL{Klunxis with a DamType_ShockBeam
4.04 ZumZum* uu2
4.31 [EX3]Jet$ Killed TGUN with a Flak Cannon
4.36 SoL{DesTineD Killed sol.snarf with a DamType_SniperShot
4.45 SoL{DesTineD ez
4.51 SoL{DesTineD Headshot [EX3]Jet$ with a DamTypeHeadshot
4.58 SoL{DesTineD ez
4.58 Red Team Scored Frag!
4.89 ZumZum* Killed SoL{Klunxis with a DamType_Rocket
4.97 pigñoççhìo Killed ZumZum* with a DamType_ShockBeam
4.98 pigñoççhìo Killed [EX3]Jet$ with a DamType_ShockBeam
5.05 TGUN Killed sol.snarf with a DamType_ShockBeam
5.12 Red Team Scored Frag!
5.30 pigñoççhìo Killed [EX3]Jet$ with a DamType_Rocket
5.57 sol.snarf Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_SniperShot
5.71 [EX3]Jet$ lol zum
5.72 SoL{DesTineD Killed sol.snarf with a DamType_BioGlob
5.84 SoL{Klunxis Killed ZumZum* with a DamType_SniperShot
5.87 gmx Connected
5.89 ZumZum* :)
5.90 Red Team Scored Frag!
6.20 gmx Killed TGUN with a DamType_ShockBeam
6.30 sol.snarf Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_ShockBeam
6.33 SoL{DesTineD Killed [EX3]Jet$ with a DamType_ShockBeam
6.37 gmx Killed SoL{DesTineD with a DamType_SniperShot
6.45 sol.snarf Killed SoL{Klunxis with a DamType_SniperShot
6.49 pigñoççhìo nt
6.51 Blue Team Scored Frag!
6.69 pigñoççhìo Killed ZumZum* with a DamType_ShockBeam
6.75 [EX3]Jet$ Killed SoL{DesTineD with a Flak Cannon
6.86 TGUN Killed [EX3]Jet$ with a DamType_ShockBeam
7.12 ZumZum* Killed SoL{Klunxis with a DamType_SniperShot
7.13 gmx Killed TGUN with a DamType_SniperShot
7.13 pigñoççhìo Killed [EX3]Jet$ with a DamType_Rocket
7.29 gmx Killed SoL{DesTineD with a DamType_Rocket
7.48 gmx Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_ShockBeam
7.72 gmx Killed SoL{Klunxis with a DamType_SniperShot
7.76 SoL{DesTineD nt
7.77 SoL{Klunxis shit
7.79 Blue Team Scored Frag!
8.22 sol.snarf Killed SoL{DesTineD with a DamType_ShockBeam
8.30 sol.snarf Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_SniperShot
8.36 SoL{Klunxis Killed sol.snarf with a DamType_Rocket
8.36 TGUN Killed ZumZum* with a DamType_SniperShot
8.39 SoL{DesTineD Killed [EX3]Jet$ with a Shock Rifle
8.48 SoL{Klunxis Killed gmx with a DamType_LinkShaft
8.49 ZumZum* toygun
8.54 Red Team Scored Frag!
8.73 ZumZum* Killed SoL{Klunxis with a Shock Rifle
8.76 SoL{DesTineD Killed [EX3]Jet$ with a DamType_ShockBeam
8.77 SoL{Klunxis shit
8.95 pigñoççhìo Killed sol.snarf with a DamType_SniperShot
9.14 ZumZum* Killed TGUN with a Flak Cannon
9.16 pigñoççhìo Killed ZumZum* with a DamType_ShockBeam
9.35 gmx Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_ShockBeam
9.38 SoL{DesTineD Killed sol.snarf with a DamType_ShockBeam
9.41 gmx Killed SoL{Klunxis with a DamType_ShockBeam
9.41 ZumZum* Foghat
9.58 SoL{Klunxis slow
9.64 TGUN Suicided with a DamType_Rocket
9.68 pigñoççhìo one day we gunna teack sol members how to use that res
10.10 sol.snarf Killed SoL{DesTineD with a DamType_SniperShot
10.16 Blue Team Scored Frag!
10.32 sol.snarf Killed SoL{Klunxis with a Shock Rifle
10.39 pigñoççhìo Killed [EX3]Jet$ with a DamType_SniperShot
10.42 gmx Killed SoL{DesTineD with a DamType_Rocket
10.52 sol.snarf Killed TGUN with a DamType_ShockBeam
10.97 TGUN Killed [EX3]Jet$ with a Shock Rifle
10.99 sol.snarf Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_ShockBeam
10.99 SoL{DesTineD
11.09 sol.snarf Killed TGUN with a DamType_ShockBeam
11.12 pigñoççhìo i was tryin my man
11.26 ZumZum* use the nose
11.31 sol.snarf Killed SoL{Klunxis with a DamType_ShockBeam
11.31 pigñoççhìo yw
11.59 SoL{DesTineD Killed gmx with a Shock Rifle
11.64 SoL{Klunxis n
11.75 sol.snarf Killed TGUN with a DamType_SniperShot
12.07 [EX3]Jet$ Killed SoL{DesTineD with a Flak Cannon
12.12 SoL{DesTineD damn
12.14 Blue Team Scored Frag!
12.31 gmx Killed SoL{DesTineD with a DamType_SniperShot
12.67 SoL{DesTineD Killed [EX3]Jet$ with a DamType_SniperShot
12.70 sol.snarf Killed SoL{Klunxis with a DamType_Rocket
12.77 TGUN Killed ZumZum* with a DamType_SniperShot
12.87 ZumZum* Beep
12.91 TGUN Killed sol.snarf with a DamType_ShockBeam
12.95 ZumZum* ~back
13.10 pigñoççhìo Killed gmx with a DamType_Rocket
13.18 pigñoççhìo Killed [EX3]Jet$ with a DamType_SniperShot
13.26 pigñoççhìo Killed ZumZum* with a DamType_Rocket
13.33 Red Team Scored Frag!
13.33 ZumZum* back
13.36 pigñoççhìo quicker
13.63 ZumZum* Killed SoL{DesTineD with a DamType_SniperShot
13.70 TGUN Killed ZumZum* with a DamType_SniperShot
13.84 TGUN Killed [EX3]Jet$ with a DamType_SniperShot
13.87 sol.snarf Killed TGUN with a DamType_ShockBeam
14.08 SoL{DesTineD Killed gmx with a Flak Cannon
14.17 sol.snarf Killed TGUN with a DamType_ShockBeam
14.20 sol.snarf Killed SoL{DesTineD with a DamType_SniperShot
14.25 pigñoççhìo Killed ZumZum* with a DamType_SniperShot
14.29 pigñoççhìo Killed [EX3]Jet$ with a DamType_SniperShot
14.29 ZumZum* ns
14.38 SoL{Klunxis Killed sol.snarf with a DamType_Rocket
14.42 gmx Headshot SoL{Klunxis with a DamTypeHeadshot
14.59 SoL{Klunxis the ole 1 2
14.92 sol.snarf Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_ShockBeam
14.98 Blue Team Scored Frag!
15.23 TGUN Killed ZumZum* with a DamType_ShockBeam
15.42 SoL{DesTineD Killed [EX3]Jet$ with a DamType_ShockBeam
15.43 ZumZum* ~Foghat
15.54 gmx Killed SoL{Klunxis with a DamType_SniperShot
15.59 ZumZum* Woop
15.63 TGUN Killed gmx with a DamType_SniperShot
15.66 sol.snarf Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_ShockBeam
15.72 ZumZum* ~Astrix
15.78 sol.snarf Killed TGUN with a DamType_ShockBeam
15.83 pigñoççhìo Killed sol.snarf with a DamType_SniperShot
15.90 Red Team Scored Frag!
16.17 sol.snarf Killed SoL{DesTineD with a DamType_ShockBeam
16.34 gmx Killed TGUN with a DamType_SniperShot
16.59 [EX3]Jet$ Killed SoL{Klunxis with a Flak Cannon
16.65 SoL{Klunxis awe
16.76 ZumZum* Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_SniperShot
16.83 Blue Team Scored Frag!
17.02 sol.snarf Killed SoL{Klunxis with a DamType_SniperShot
17.04 TGUN Killed gmx with a Shock Rifle
17.41 [EX3]Jet$ Killed SoL{DesTineD with a Shock Rifle
17.44 ZumZum* Suicided with a DamType_Rocket
17.48 ZumZum* cry
17.63 SoL{Klunxis Headshot [EX3]Jet$ with a DamTypeHeadshot
17.70 sol.snarf Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_ShockBeam
17.70 SoL{Klunxis hs
17.77 SoL{Klunxis Killed sol.snarf with a DamType_SniperShot
17.88 pigñoççhìo oink3
17.99 sol.snarf hows the new cpu klunx?
18.03 TGUN Killed gmx with a DamType_ShockBeam
18.09 Red Team Scored Frag!
18.21 SoL{Klunxis still in box :)
18.39 SoL{Klunxis Killed sol.snarf with a DamType_Rocket
18.42 pigñoççhìo Killed ZumZum* with a DamType_ShockBeam
18.51 [EX3]Jet$ Killed SoL{DesTineD with a Flak Cannon
18.54 gmx Killed SoL{Klunxis with a DamType_SniperShot
18.56 TGUN Killed [EX3]Jet$ with a DamType_SniperShot
18.63 gmx Knocked pigñoççhìo off a ledge
18.68 pigñoççhìo fuker
18.83 sol.snarf Killed TGUN with a Shock Rifle
19.04 TGUN Killed ZumZum* with a DamType_ShockBeam
19.20 sol.snarf Killed TGUN with a DamType_SniperShot
19.26 pigñoççhìo Killed sol.snarf with a Shock Rifle
19.32 [EX3]Jet$ Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_SniperShot
19.61 gmx Killed SoL{DesTineD with a DamType_ShockBeam
19.67 pigñoççhìo grr
19.67 Blue Team Scored Frag!
19.72 pigñoççhìo grr
19.91 gmx Killed SoL{DesTineD with a DamType_ShockBeam
20.09 SoL{Klunxis Killed gmx with a DamType_Rocket
20.12 ZumZum* Killed SoL{Klunxis with a DamType_ShockBeam
20.19 SoL{Klunxis fuk
20.23 ZumZum* Killed TGUN with a DamType_BioGlob
20.40 ZumZum* 59 Health
20.45 gmx Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_SniperShot
20.52 Blue Team Scored Frag!
20.52 Game Ended - Team Score Limit

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