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Chat Log for Welcome To SoL! Noob Friendly Server Dallas - FR-Koden-NoBuzz
on Tue, Jul 04 2023 at 12:01:27 AM
Minutes Player Text
-1.04 GUNZA Connected
-1.04 GUNZA Team Change to Red Team
-1.04 Scroteodactyl Connected
-1.04 Scroteodactyl Team Change to Blue Team
-1.04 Sol°PhXxx Connected
-1.04 Sol°PhXxx Team Change to Red Team
-1.04 billy Connected
-1.04 billy Team Change to Blue Team
-1.03 booshels Connected
-1.03 booshels Team Change to Red Team
-1.03 Player 24 Connected
-1.03 Player 24 Team Change to Blue Team
-1.03 pHeeLz Connected
-1.03 pHeeLz Team Change to Red Team
-1.03 Inhuman0 Connected
-1.03 Inhuman0 Team Change to Blue Team
-1.02 hav Connected
-1.02 hav Team Change to Red Team
-1.02 Player 9 Connected
-1.02 Player 9 Team Change to Blue Team
-1.01 SoL[PEACEandLOVE Connected
-1.01 SoL[PEACEandLOVE Team Change to Red Team
-0.99 Sol{11xdruidx11 Connected
-0.99 Sol{11xdruidx11 Team Change to Blue Team
-0.97 GT.REYES Connected
-0.97 GT.REYES Team Change to Red Team
-0.88 Player 29 Connected
-0.88 Player 29 Team Change to Blue Team
-0.85 °»RàéP«°* Connected
-0.85 °»RàéP«°* Team Change to Red Team
-0.84 billy cant really call rq in a 10v10
-0.81 Player 16 Connected
-0.81 Player 16 Team Change to Blue Team
-0.74 Scroteodactyl rq
-0.59 Player 29 lol
-0.15 Player 29 brb
-0.15 Player 29 «ßrother»Justice is now AFK.
-0.15 Player 29 Disconnected
-0.05 billy Team Change to Red Team
-0.05 booshels Team Change to Blue Team
-0.05 Inhuman0 Team Change to Red Team
-0.05 SoL[PEACEandLOVE Team Change to Blue Team
-0.05 Sol{11xdruidx11 Team Change to Red Team
-0.05 GT.REYES Team Change to Blue Team
-0.05 GUNZA Team Change to Blue Team
-0.05 Scroteodactyl Team Change to Red Team
0.00 Game Start
0.06 SoL[PEACEandLOVE I taught U well PEACE!!
0.33 pHeeLz Killed booshels with a Shock Rifle
0.35 Sol°PhXxx Killed GT.REYES with a Bio Rifle
0.35 billy Killed GUNZA with a DamType_ShieldImpact
0.47 pHeeLz Killed SoL[PEACEandLOVE with a Lightning Gun
0.51 Sol°PhXxx Killed Player 16 with a Lightning Gun
0.53 hav Killed Player 9 with a Flak Cannon
0.57 SoL[PEACEandLOVE I taught U well PEACE!!
0.74 pHeeLz Killed Player 24 with a DamType_LinkShaft
0.80 Red Team Scored Frag!
0.95 °»RàéP«°* Killed Player 9 with a Bio Rifle
1.14 °»RàéP«°* Killed SoL[PEACEandLOVE with a DamType_LinkShaft
1.21 booshels Killed Scroteodactyl with a Shock Rifle
1.24 Sol{11xdruidx11 Killed Player 16 with a Shock Rifle
1.29 Player 24 Killed °»RàéP«°* with a Shock Rifle
1.31 Player 24 Killed billy with a Shock Rifle
1.38 pHeeLz Killed booshels with a Shock Rifle
1.42 Player 24 Killed pHeeLz with a Shock Rifle
1.57 pHeeLz grr
1.58 Player 24 Killed Sol{11xdruidx11 with a Shock Rifle
1.61 Sol{11xdruidx11 Killed SoL[PEACEandLOVE with a Bio Rifle
1.75 Sol°PhXxx Killed GT.REYES with a Shock Rifle
1.75 GUNZA Killed Inhuman0 with a DamType_Rocket
1.77 Scroteodactyl Killed GUNZA with a Flak Cannon
1.78 Player 24 Killed Scroteodactyl with a Shock Rifle
1.78 SoL[PEACEandLOVE thaw
1.83 billy gonna take a bubble bath thinking of u phx
1.85 Player 16 Stranger is now AFK.
1.85 Player 16 Disconnected
1.96 Player 24 Killed hav with a Lightning Gun
1.99 Player 24 Killed Sol°PhXxx with a Shock Rifle
2.04 pHeeLz Killed GUNZA with a Shock Rifle
2.08 Player 24 Killed billy with a DamType_LinkShaft
2.17 Scroteodactyl thats creepy af
2.23 SoL[PEACEandLOVE Killed °»RàéP«°* with a Flak Cannon
2.25 Sol{11xdruidx11 Killed SoL[PEACEandLOVE with a DamType_Rocket
2.30 billy bubble bath jizz kiss
2.32 Scroteodactyl also what an honor
2.35 GT.REYES Killed Sol{11xdruidx11 with a Lightning Gun
2.37 Sol°PhXxx wow ...ewww
2.38 booshels Killed pHeeLz with a DamType_Rocket
2.39 hav Killed booshels with a Flak Cannon
2.50 hav Killed GT.REYES with a DamType_Rocket
2.51 SoL[PEACEandLOVE Killed Sol°PhXxx with a Bio Rifle
2.63 Sol°PhXxx pls dont
2.65 Player 24 Killed billy with a Shock Rifle
2.66 Player 9 Killed hav with a Lightning Gun
2.67 pHeeLz Killed SoL[PEACEandLOVE with a Shock Rifle
2.71 booshels Killed pHeeLz with a Shock Rifle
2.94 Scroteodactyl he gonna do it
2.97 booshels Killed Sol°PhXxx with a DamType_LinkShaft
2.98 Sol°PhXxx Telefragged booshels
3.02 Player 24 Killed Inhuman0 with a DamType_LinkShaft
3.07 booshels ROFL
3.09 pHeeLz mmm bubble bath jizz coming up tonite
3.12 booshels TELEFRAG?
3.14 Player 9 Killed Scroteodactyl with a Flak Cannon
3.18 GT.REYES Killed °»RàéP«°* with a Flak Cannon
3.25 Blue Team Scored Frag!
3.26 Scroteodactyl leme just miss everything
3.55 Player 9 Killed hav with a DamType_Rocket
3.56 Sol{11xdruidx11 omg lag
3.65 pHeeLz Killed booshels with a DamType_LinkShaft
3.68 pHeeLz Killed GUNZA with a DamType_LinkShaft
3.69 Player 9 Killed Sol°PhXxx with a Bio Rifle
3.72 Player 24 Killed pHeeLz with a Lightning Gun
3.87 booshels Killed billy with a DamType_LinkShaft
3.92 Sol{11xdruidx11 Suicided with a Bio Rifle
3.94 Sol{11xdruidx11 Suicided
3.94 Sol{11xdruidx11 Disconnected
4.08 pHeeLz nipples
4.08 hav Killed Player 24 with a DamType_Rocket
4.09 hd Connected
4.25 Player 9 Killed Sol°PhXxx with a Flak Cannon
4.42 Inhuman0 Killed °»RàéP«°* with a Flak Cannon
4.43 booshels Killed hav with a DamType_LinkShaft
4.48 GT.REYES Killed billy with a Flak Cannon
4.52 Scroteodactyl Killed Player 24 with a Flak Cannon
4.55 SoL[PEACEandLOVE Killed Scroteodactyl with a Flak Cannon
4.62 Blue Team Scored Frag!
4.89 pHeeLz Killed GUNZA with a Shock Rifle
5.01 pHeeLz Headshot Player 24 with a DamTypeHeadshot
5.11 Scroteodactyl Killed GUNZA with a Lightning Gun
5.11 billy Killed GT.REYES with a DamType_ShieldImpact
5.13 billy xd
5.18 booshels Killed °»RàéP«°* with a Shock Rifle
5.27 pHeeLz Killed SoL[PEACEandLOVE with a Shock Rifle
5.28 GT.REYES aw
5.30 booshels Killed hav with a DamType_Rocket
5.33 SoL[PEACEandLOVE grr
5.34 Scroteodactyl Killed booshels with a DamType_Rocket
5.35 hd Killed Player 9 with a Lightning Gun
5.38 pHeeLz Killed GUNZA with a Shock Rifle
5.46 Inhuman0 Killed Scroteodactyl with a Flak Cannon
5.46 pHeeLz Killed Inhuman0 with a Shock Rifle
5.53 Red Team Scored Frag!
5.57 Player 29 Connected
5.79 billy Killed Player 9 with a DamType_ShieldImpact
5.81 booshels Killed Player 29 with a DamType_LinkShaft
5.85 Player 29 die
5.87 Sol°PhXxx Killed GT.REYES with a DamType_Rocket
6.04 billy Killed Player 24 with a DamType_ShieldImpact
6.05 SoL[PEACEandLOVE Killed billy with a Flak Cannon
6.07 Inhuman0 Killed hav with a Flak Cannon
6.08 Scroteodactyl Killed SoL[PEACEandLOVE with a Flak Cannon
6.09 pHeeLz Killed Player 9 with a Shock Rifle
6.15 °»RàéP«°* Killed booshels with a Shock Rifle
6.23 Sol°PhXxx Killed Inhuman0 with a Bio Rifle
6.25 GUNZA Killed Sol°PhXxx with a DamType_Rocket
6.34 SoL[PEACEandLOVE darth
6.38 SoL[PEACEandLOVE on
6.38 Player 29 Killed GUNZA with a Flak Cannon
6.46 Red Team Scored Frag!
6.60 SoL[PEACEandLOVE Killed Sol°PhXxx with a Bio Rifle
6.66 hav Killed Player 9 with a DamType_Rocket
6.67 Player 9 Killed hd with a Bio Rifle
6.78 GUNZA Killed °»RàéP«°* with a Shock Rifle
6.80 hav Killed Player 24 with a Shock Rifle
6.81 Scroteodactyl Killed SoL[PEACEandLOVE with a Flak Cannon
6.83 pHeeLz Killed GT.REYES with a Shock Rifle
6.83 booshels Killed billy with a DamType_Rocket
6.90 Scroteodactyl Killed Inhuman0 with a Flak Cannon
6.93 hav Killed booshels with a Flak Cannon
6.95 hav Suicided with a Flak Cannon
6.98 pHeeLz Killed GUNZA with a Shock Rifle
7.06 Sol°PhXxx Killed Player 24 with a Bio Rifle
7.07 GT.REYES Killed pHeeLz with a Lightning Gun
7.24 Sol°PhXxx Killed GT.REYES with a Shock Rifle
7.28 SoL[PEACEandLOVE grr
7.29 pHeeLz Kissed1
7.31 Red Team Scored Frag!
7.54 GT.REYES Killed Scroteodactyl with a Shock Rifle
7.54 pHeeLz Killed GUNZA with a Shock Rifle
7.58 Player 24 Headshot billy with a DamTypeHeadshot
7.60 Sol°PhXxx Headshot Player 9 with a DamTypeHeadshot
7.61 pHeeLz Killed booshels with a Shock Rifle
7.65 SoL[PEACEandLOVE Killed hav with a Shock Rifle
7.75 hd Killed Inhuman0 with a DamType_Rocket
7.77 pHeeLz Headshot GT.REYES with a DamTypeHeadshot
7.84 pHeeLz Killed GUNZA with a Shock Rifle
7.89 Player 24 Killed Sol°PhXxx with a Bio Rifle
7.98 hav Killed Player 24 with a Flak Cannon
8.12 pHeeLz Killed SoL[PEACEandLOVE with a Shock Rifle
8.18 Red Team Scored Frag!
8.44 SoL[PEACEandLOVE Killed Scroteodactyl with a Shock Rifle
8.44 Sol°PhXxx Killed Inhuman0 with a Flak Cannon
8.52 Player 29 Killed GUNZA with a Flak Cannon
8.56 Player 24 Killed pHeeLz with a DamType_Rocket
8.64 Player 24 Killed Player 29 with a Shock Rifle
8.66 hav Killed GT.REYES with a Lightning Gun
8.70 Player 29 g1
8.73 hd Killed booshels with a DamType_Rocket
8.73 hd Suicided with a DamType_Rocket
8.74 hav Killed SoL[PEACEandLOVE with a DamType_Rocket
8.80 Player 24 Killed pHeeLz with a Shock Rifle
8.85 Player 24 Killed hav with a Lightning Gun
8.89 Inhuman0 Killed billy with a Bio Rifle
8.92 billy xd
8.98 Player 24 Headshot Player 29 with a DamTypeHeadshot
9.01 Player 9 Killed Scroteodactyl with a Flak Cannon
9.09 Player 24 Killed °»RàéP«°* with a Shock Rifle
9.13 GUNZA Killed hd with a Lightning Gun
9.15 pHeeLz billy2
9.22 Player 29 ok
9.30 Player 29 enuff
9.35 Player 9 Killed Sol°PhXxx with a Shock Rifle
9.39 Inhuman0 Suicided with a Flak Cannon
9.47 booshels Killed Scroteodactyl with a Shock Rifle
9.53 pHeeLz Killed Player 24 with a Shock Rifle
9.54 Scroteodactyl fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
9.56 SoL[PEACEandLOVE Killed pHeeLz with a Shock Rifle
9.63 Blue Team Scored Frag!
9.67 SoL[PEACEandLOVE sitdown
9.81 pHeeLz Killed GUNZA with a Shock Rifle
9.83 Player 29 Killed Player 9 with a DamType_Rocket
9.93 booshels Killed °»RàéP«°* with a DamType_LinkShaft
9.94 hav Killed Inhuman0 with a Shock Rifle
9.96 pHeeLz Killed SoL[PEACEandLOVE with a Lightning Gun
10.09 SoL[PEACEandLOVE sitdown son,
10.16 hav Killed GT.REYES with a Lightning Gun
10.16 Player 24 Killed Player 29 with a DamType_Rocket
10.19 SoL[PEACEandLOVE :)
10.22 pHeeLz Killed booshels with a Shock Rifle
10.33 hav Killed Player 24 with a Bio Rifle
10.44 SoL[PEACEandLOVE we will win
10.56 Scroteodactyl Killed GT.REYES with a Shock Rifle
10.63 hd Killed Player 9 with a DamType_ShieldImpact
10.68 Player 9 lol
10.70 Red Team Scored Frag!
10.73 billy super peace?
10.84 SoL[PEACEandLOVE we will win
10.97 Sol°PhXxx Killed GT.REYES with a DamType_Rocket
11.01 Player 24 Killed pHeeLz with a Flak Cannon
11.06 SoL[PEACEandLOVE Killed °»RàéP«°* with a Bio Rifle
11.09 booshels Killed hav with a Shock Rifle
11.12 GUNZA Killed billy with a DamType_Rocket
11.23 Player 29 Killed GUNZA with a DamType_Rocket
11.24 Player 9 Killed Player 29 with a DamType_Rocket
11.24 hd Killed Player 24 with a Flak Cannon
11.30 booshels Killed hd with a Shock Rifle
11.31 pHeeLz Killed SoL[PEACEandLOVE with a Lightning Gun
11.34 GT.REYES Killed Scroteodactyl with a Shock Rifle
11.39 Sol°PhXxx Killed GT.REYES with a DamType_Rocket
11.48 °»RàéP«°* Killed Inhuman0 with a DamType_LinkShaft
11.53 Player 9 Killed Sol°PhXxx with a Flak Cannon
11.67 booshels Killed °»RàéP«°* with a Shock Rifle
11.69 Player 9 Killed pHeeLz with a DamType_Rocket
11.74 Scroteodactyl Killed booshels with a Lightning Gun
11.75 SoL[PEACEandLOVE lol
11.82 pHeeLz bs
11.96 Player 9 Killed billy with a Flak Cannon
11.96 Player 9 Suicided with a Flak Cannon
12.11 pHeeLz Killed GUNZA with a Lightning Gun
12.13 Player 29 what happen ?
12.18 pHeeLz Killed Player 24 with a Lightning Gun
12.20 Player 29 he gone ?
12.27 hav Killed SoL[PEACEandLOVE with a Flak Cannon
12.34 Red Team Scored Frag!
12.36 SoL[PEACEandLOVE fuuuuk
12.66 hd Killed booshels with a Bio Rifle
12.67 pHeeLz Killed GUNZA with a Shock Rifle
12.67 pHeeLz Killed Player 24 with a Shock Rifle
12.68 Player 9 Killed hd with a DamType_Rocket
12.68 Player 9 Suicided with a DamType_Rocket
12.89 billy Killed Inhuman0 with a DamType_ShieldImpact
12.89 Sol°PhXxx Suicided with a Bio Rifle
13.05 pHeeLz Killed SoL[PEACEandLOVE with a Lightning Gun
13.06 Player 9 rq
13.13 pHeeLz Killed GT.REYES with a Lightning Gun
13.16 SoL[PEACEandLOVE bitchpls
13.19 Red Team Scored Frag!
13.20 Player 29 Died from an Unknown Weapon
13.20 Player 29 Team Change to Blue Team
13.45 °»RàéP«°* Killed booshels with a Shock Rifle
13.47 Scroteodactyl Killed Player 24 with a Shock Rifle
13.52 Player 29 Killed hav with a Bio Rifle
13.57 Sol°PhXxx Suicided with a Flak Cannon
13.59 Scroteodactyl Killed GT.REYES with a DamType_Rocket
13.63 Player 9 Killed billy with a Flak Cannon
13.66 Scroteodactyl Killed Player 29 with a Bio Rifle
13.76 Scroteodactyl Suicided with a DamType_Rocket
13.76 GUNZA Killed hd with a Lightning Gun
13.80 Player 29 scared me
13.82 pHeeLz Killed booshels with a Shock Rifle
13.86 hav Killed GUNZA with a Lightning Gun
13.88 Inhuman0 Killed °»RàéP«°* with a Flak Cannon
13.92 pHeeLz Killed SoL[PEACEandLOVE with a Shock Rifle
13.96 Inhuman0 Suicided with a Flak Cannon
14.02 Scroteodactyl splat scare
14.12 Player 29 lol
14.15 GT.REYES Killed pHeeLz with a Lightning Gun
14.17 hav Killed Player 9 with a Shock Rifle
14.18 hd Suicided with a DamType_Rocket
14.40 billy Killed Player 29 with an Assault Rifle
14.44 Inhuman0 Killed billy with a Shock Rifle
14.49 Inhuman0 Killed °»RàéP«°* with a Bio Rifle
14.51 Inhuman0 Killed hd with a Shock Rifle
14.52 hav Killed Inhuman0 with a Shock Rifle
14.57 Scroteodactyl Killed booshels with a Flak Cannon
14.63 Player 29 g1 inhuman
14.67 GT.REYES Killed Scroteodactyl with a Lightning Gun
14.73 Inhuman0 ty
14.76 pHeeLz Killed SoL[PEACEandLOVE with a Shock Rifle
14.80 pHeeLz Killed Inhuman0 with a Lightning Gun
14.82 Sol°PhXxx Killed GT.REYES with a DamType_Rocket
14.91 Player 24 Killed pHeeLz with a Flak Cannon
14.98 Sol°PhXxx Killed Player 24 with a Bio Rifle
15.00 pHeeLz bs
15.17 Player 9 Killed hd with a Flak Cannon
15.19 °»RàéP«°* Killed GUNZA with a Shock Rifle
15.40 Scroteodactyl Killed Player 9 with a Lightning Gun
15.45 Scroteodactyl Headshot Player 24 with a DamTypeHeadshot
15.49 booshels Killed pHeeLz with a Shock Rifle
15.50 Player 29 Killed Sol°PhXxx with a DamType_Rocket
15.51 °»RàéP«°* Killed booshels with a Shock Rifle
15.59 SoL[PEACEandLOVE Rocket2
15.59 Scroteodactyl Killed GUNZA with a Lightning Gun
15.59 GT.REYES Killed °»RàéP«°* with a Flak Cannon
15.69 Player 29 Killed hd with a DamType_Rocket
15.70 GUNZA Headshot hav with a DamTypeHeadshot
15.82 Player 29 Killed billy with a DamType_Rocket
15.85 Scroteodactyl Killed GT.REYES with a Lightning Gun
15.86 pHeeLz Killed Player 29 with a Shock Rifle
15.87 Inhuman0 Suicided with a Bio Rifle
15.93 Player 29 die
15.98 GUNZA Killed Scroteodactyl with a DamType_Rocket
16.00 hd Killed Player 9 with a DamType_Overtime
16.02 billy Killed GUNZA with a DamType_ShieldImpact
16.08 Player 9 lol
16.14 hav Killed SoL[PEACEandLOVE with a Lightning Gun
16.20 SoL[PEACEandLOVE bs lag
16.20 Red Team Scored Frag!
16.37 Player 9 Killed °»RàéP«°* with a Bio Rifle
16.43 hav Killed Inhuman0 with a Flak Cannon
16.52 hav Killed SoL[PEACEandLOVE with a Lightning Gun
16.59 Player 24 Killed pHeeLz with a Shock Rifle
16.60 hd Killed Player 9 with a DamType_Rocket
16.66 °»RàéP«°* Killed GUNZA with a DamType_Rocket
16.67 booshels Killed hav with a Shock Rifle
16.76 hd Killed booshels with a Flak Cannon
16.77 Player 24 Killed hd with a Shock Rifle
16.89 Scroteodactyl Killed GT.REYES with a Shock Rifle
16.95 Scroteodactyl Killed Player 29 with a Lightning Gun
16.99 Player 29 awe
17.11 Scroteodactyl Killed Player 24 with a Shock Rifle
17.14 °»RàéP«°* Killed SoL[PEACEandLOVE with a DamType_MinigunBullet
17.23 SoL[PEACEandLOVE fuk all ya all
17.26 Scroteodactyl Killed GT.REYES with a Flak Cannon
17.27 pHeeLz Killed GUNZA with a DamType_LinkShaft
17.31 Player 9 gg
17.34 SoL[PEACEandLOVE lol
17.35 Red Team Scored Frag!
17.35 Game Ended - Team Score Limit

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