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Chat Log for Welcome To New SoL1! Noob Friendly Server Chi - FR-Invictus-fe12
on Thu, Feb 27 2025 at 12:06:56 AM
Minutes Player Text
-0.99 Pancakes Connected
-0.99 Pancakes Team Change to Red Team
-0.99 DoopieDoOver Connected
-0.99 DoopieDoOver Team Change to Blue Team
-0.98 Dee3 Connected
-0.98 Dee3 Team Change to Red Team
-0.97 computerquip Connected
-0.97 computerquip Team Change to Blue Team
-0.95 SoL°Zoot3d Connected
-0.95 SoL°Zoot3d Team Change to Red Team
-0.94 pigñoççhìo Connected
-0.94 pigñoççhìo Team Change to Blue Team
-0.92 GUNZA Connected
-0.92 GUNZA Team Change to Red Team
-0.87 Pancakes LOL
-0.85 Halal_Pork Connected
-0.85 Halal_Pork Team Change to Blue Team
-0.74 Sol°PhXxx Connected
-0.74 Sol°PhXxx Team Change to Red Team
-0.72 Dee3 so everybodys happy about that
-0.52 Pancakes can't please all the people all the time
-0.37 Halal_Pork Disconnected
-0.34 Halal_Pork Connected
-0.34 Halal_Pork Team Change to Blue Team
-0.05 Sol°PhXxx Team Change to Blue Team
-0.02 Dee3 cost of fame- as a celebrity you know that
0.00 Game Start
0.15 pigñoççhìo Killed Dee3 with a DamType_BioGlob
0.21 Pancakes just what phx has told me
0.55 SoL°Zoot3d Killed Halal_Pork with a Shock Rifle
0.57 DoopieDoOver Killed GUNZA with a DamType_SniperShot
0.70 DoopieDoOver Killed SoL°Zoot3d with a Shock Rifle
0.75 Sol°PhXxx Killed Dee3 with a DamType_BioGlob
1.14 Pancakes Killed Sol°PhXxx with a Flak Cannon
1.22 computerquip Killed Pancakes with a DamType_ShockBeam
1.28 Blue Team Scored Frag!
1.34 Pancakes ah you were supposed to go th e other way
1.52 pigñoççhìo Killed Dee3 with a DamType_Rocket
1.53 Player 11 Connected
1.59 SoL°Zoot3d Killed computerquip with a DamType_SniperShot
1.69 DoopieDoOver Killed GUNZA with a DamType_SniperShot
1.96 DoopieDoOver Killed SoL°Zoot3d with a Shock Rifle
2.42 Halal_Pork Killed Pancakes with a DamType_ShockBeam
2.49 Blue Team Scored Frag!
2.70 GUNZA Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_ShockBeam
2.78 DoopieDoOver Killed Player 11 with a Flak Cannon
2.81 Dee3 Killed DoopieDoOver with a Shock Rifle
2.82 SoL°Zoot3d Killed Sol°PhXxx with a DamType_ShockBeam
2.87 Dee3 Suicided with a DamType_Rocket
2.87 Sol°PhXxx rude
3.01 computerquip Killed SoL°Zoot3d with a DamType_ShockBeam
3.07 GUNZA Killed Halal_Pork with a DamType_SniperShot
3.20 Dee3 Suicided
3.20 Dee3 Disconnected
3.27 Pancakes Killed Sol°PhXxx with a DamType_Rocket
3.30 Vainqueur Connected
3.40 DoopieDoOver Killed GUNZA with a DamType_SniperShot
3.49 Pancakes Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_BioGlob
3.53 DoopieDoOver Killed Pancakes with a DamType_ShockBeam
3.56 pigñoççhìo poop;
3.59 Blue Team Scored Frag!
3.65 Sol°PhXxx honkerz
3.79 GUNZA Killed computerquip with a DamType_SniperShot
3.84 Halal_Pork Killed Vainqueur with a DamType_ShockBeam
3.85 pigñoççhìo Killed GUNZA with a DamType_ShockBeam
3.89 Vainqueur phxxx
3.99 computerquip Killed Pancakes with a DamType_ShockBeam
4.05 Halal_Pork yo
4.15 SoL°Zoot3d Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_SniperShot
4.29 pigñoççhìo honkers
4.35 pigñoççhìo honkerz
4.37 SoL°Zoot3d Killed Sol°PhXxx with a DamType_SniperShot
4.41 pigñoççhìo honkersz
4.46 Vainqueur Killed Halal_Pork with a DamType_SniperShot
4.51 Pancakes Killed computerquip with a DamType_SniperShot
4.56 Vainqueur Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_SniperShot
4.58 Vainqueur Killed DoopieDoOver with a DamType_ShockBeam
4.61 SoL°Zoot3d Killed Halal_Pork with a DamType_ShockBeam
4.65 pigñoççhìo honkersz
4.68 Red Team Scored Frag!
4.71 Pancakes yay
4.72 Vainqueur hanni
4.95 Vainqueur Killed Halal_Pork with a DamType_ShockBeam
5.05 SoL°Zoot3d Killed computerquip with a DamType_SniperShot
5.10 Pancakes Killed Sol°PhXxx with a DamType_Rocket
5.10 SoL°Zoot3d Killed DoopieDoOver with a DamType_Rocket
5.10 SoL°Zoot3d Suicided with a DamType_Rocket
5.59 Player 11 Killed pigñoççhìo with a Flak Cannon
5.67 Red Team Scored Frag!
5.92 GUNZA Killed Halal_Pork with a Shock Rifle
5.92 Player 11 Killed Sol°PhXxx with a DamType_Rocket
5.98 GUNZA Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_MinigunBullet
6.05 computerquip Killed Vainqueur with a DamType_Rocket
6.12 DoopieDoOver Killed SoL°Zoot3d with a DamType_ShockBeam
6.21 Pancakes Killed computerquip with a DamType_SniperShot
6.21 DoopieDoOver Killed Player 11 with a DamType_ShockBeam
6.30 DoopieDoOver Killed GUNZA with a Shock Rifle
6.32 SoL°Zoot3d Killed pigñoççhìo with a Flak Cannon
6.35 DoopieDoOver Killed Pancakes with a DamType_SniperShot
6.63 SoL°Zoot3d Killed DoopieDoOver with a DamType_ShockBeam
6.73 SoL°Zoot3d Headshot Sol°PhXxx with a DamTypeHeadshot
6.99 SoL°Zoot3d Suicided with a DamType_BioGlob
7.09 Player 11 Killed computerquip with a DamType_Rocket
7.24 GUNZA Killed pigñoççhìo with a Flak Cannon
7.29 Halal_Pork Killed GUNZA with a DamType_SniperShot
7.53 DoopieDoOver Killed Player 11 with a DamType_Rocket
7.73 DoopieDoOver Killed GUNZA with a DamType_ShockBeam
7.76 Vainqueur Killed Halal_Pork with a DamType_ShockBeam
7.85 DoopieDoOver Killed SoL°Zoot3d with a DamType_ShockBeam
7.86 GUNZA Killed DoopieDoOver with a Flak Cannon
8.10 GUNZA Killed computerquip with a DamType_Rocket
8.11 pigñoççhìo Killed Pancakes with a DamType_SniperShot
8.19 Player 11 Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_BioGlob
8.19 Player 11 Suicided with a DamType_BioGlob
8.22 DoopieDoOver Killed SoL°Zoot3d with a DamType_SniperShot
8.41 Sol°PhXxx Suicided with a Flak Cannon
8.47 DoopieDoOver Killed Player 11 with a DamType_SniperShot
8.58 GUNZA Killed DoopieDoOver with a Shock Rifle
8.61 Pancakes Headshot pigñoççhìo with a DamTypeHeadshot
8.80 SoL°Zoot3d Killed computerquip with a DamType_SniperShot
8.84 pigñoççhìo thats unmotivational jeeks
9.00 Vainqueur Killed Halal_Pork with a DamType_ShockBeam
9.03 GUNZA Killed Sol°PhXxx with a Flak Cannon
9.09 Red Team Scored Frag!
9.27 SoL°Zoot3d Killed Halal_Pork with a Flak Cannon
9.30 Sol°PhXxx Killed SoL°Zoot3d with a DamType_BioGlob
9.40 Player 11 Killed Sol°PhXxx with a Flak Cannon
9.49 pigñoççhìo Headshot GUNZA with a DamTypeHeadshot
9.57 pigñoççhìo Killed Vainqueur with a DamType_ShockBeam
9.57 DoopieDoOver Killed Player 11 with a DamType_ShockBeam
10.11 computerquip Killed Pancakes with a DamType_ShockBeam
10.15 Pancakes hehe
10.18 Blue Team Scored Frag!
10.21 Pancakes i can fly
10.35 Halal_Pork mmhmm
10.48 DoopieDoOver Killed Vainqueur with a DamType_SniperShot
10.54 GUNZA Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_ShockBeam
10.66 SoL°Zoot3d Killed Sol°PhXxx with a DamType_ShockBeam
10.67 Vainqueur Killed Halal_Pork with a DamType_Rocket
10.71 computerquip Killed Vainqueur with a DamType_ShockBeam
10.73 GUNZA Headshot DoopieDoOver with a DamTypeHeadshot
10.81 pigñoççhìo Killed GUNZA with a DamType_ShockBall
10.97 SoL°Zoot3d Killed computerquip with a DamType_SniperShot
11.06 Halal_Pork Headshot Pancakes with a DamTypeHeadshot
11.14 SoL°Zoot3d Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_SniperShot
11.15 GUNZA Killed Halal_Pork with a DamType_ShockBeam
11.18 pigñoççhìo mf
11.31 Player 11 Suicided with a Flak Cannon
11.36 pigñoççhìo lol
11.40 GUNZA Killed Sol°PhXxx with a Shock Rifle
11.68 DoopieDoOver Killed Vainqueur with a DamType_ShockBeam
11.94 Player 11 Killed DoopieDoOver with a Flak Cannon
11.98 pigñoççhìo nt
12.01 Red Team Scored Frag!
12.29 DoopieDoOver Killed Player 11 with a DamType_ShockBeam
12.34 computerquip Killed Pancakes with a DamType_ShockBeam
12.37 computerquip Killed SoL°Zoot3d with a DamType_ShockBeam
12.39 Sol°PhXxx Killed Vainqueur with a DamType_SniperShot
12.43 DoopieDoOver Killed GUNZA with a DamType_SniperShot
12.49 Blue Team Scored Frag!
12.73 Pancakes Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_ShockBeam
12.79 DoopieDoOver Killed Vainqueur with a DamType_ShockBeam
12.86 DoopieDoOver Killed SoL°Zoot3d with a Flak Cannon
12.88 GUNZA Killed DoopieDoOver with a Shock Rifle
13.00 Player 11 Suicided with a DamType_Rocket
13.04 GUNZA Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_SniperShot
13.04 Pancakes Killed Halal_Pork with a Flak Cannon
13.10 GUNZA Killed Sol°PhXxx with a DamType_ShockBall
13.31 SoL°Zoot3d Killed computerquip with a DamType_SniperShot
13.38 Red Team Scored Frag!
13.66 SoL°Zoot3d Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_SniperShot
13.67 Sol°PhXxx Killed GUNZA with a DamType_ShockBeam
13.73 Player 11 Killed Sol°PhXxx with a DamType_Rocket
13.79 computerquip Killed SoL°Zoot3d with a DamType_Rocket
13.85 Halal_Pork Killed Player 11 with a Shock Rifle
13.87 computerquip Killed Vainqueur with a DamType_SniperShot
14.14 DoopieDoOver Killed GUNZA with a DamType_Rocket
14.18 Pancakes Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_LinkShaft
14.22 computerquip Killed Pancakes with a DamType_ShockBeam
14.28 Pancakes holy shiet
14.28 Blue Team Scored Frag!
14.51 Sol°PhXxx Killed GUNZA with a DamType_Rocket
14.55 DoopieDoOver Killed Pancakes with a DamType_ShockBeam
14.73 Vainqueur Killed DoopieDoOver with a DamType_Rocket
14.74 SoL°Zoot3d Killed Sol°PhXxx with a DamType_Rocket
14.82 GUNZA Headshot computerquip with a DamTypeHeadshot
14.88 GUNZA Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_SniperShot
14.95 Vainqueur Killed Halal_Pork with a DamType_SniperShot
14.98 DoopieDoOver Killed Player 11 with a DamType_SniperShot
15.29 DoopieDoOver Killed Player 11 with a DamType_ShockBeam
15.29 Vainqueur Killed DoopieDoOver with a DamType_ShockBeam
15.51 GUNZA Killed computerquip with a DamType_BioGlob
15.55 Vainqueur Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_ShockBeam
15.62 Red Team Scored Frag!
15.74 SoL°Zoot3d Killed computerquip with a DamType_Rocket
15.86 GUNZA Headshot Sol°PhXxx with a DamTypeHeadshot
15.87 pigñoççhìo Killed Vainqueur with a DamType_ShockBeam
15.89 SoL°Zoot3d Killed Halal_Pork with a DamType_Rocket
15.97 Pancakes Killed pigñoççhìo with a Shock Rifle
15.99 DoopieDoOver Killed Player 11 with a DamType_ShockBeam
16.06 Vainqueur Killed Halal_Pork with a DamType_ShockBeam
16.17 SoL°Zoot3d Killed Halal_Pork with a Flak Cannon
16.21 Halal_Pork o9mg
16.24 Vainqueur Killed DoopieDoOver with a DamType_SniperShot
16.25 Halal_Pork omg
16.30 Red Team Scored Frag!
16.44 Pancakes Killed Sol°PhXxx with a DamType_SniperShot
16.58 GUNZA Killed computerquip with a DamType_SniperShot
16.62 pigñoççhìo Killed Player 11 with a DamType_ShockBeam
16.67 Pancakes Headshot DoopieDoOver with a DamTypeHeadshot
16.71 Vainqueur Headshot Halal_Pork with a DamTypeHeadshot
16.85 SoL°Zoot3d Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_Rocket
16.92 Red Team Scored Frag!
17.04 Sol°PhXxx Killed GUNZA with a DamType_BioGlob
17.15 DoopieDoOver Headshot Vainqueur with a DamTypeHeadshot
17.16 pigñoççhìo Killed GUNZA with a DamType_SniperShot
17.21 Player 11 Killed Sol°PhXxx with a Flak Cannon
17.26 SoL°Zoot3d Headshot computerquip with a DamTypeHeadshot
17.28 Player 11 Killed Halal_Pork with a Flak Cannon
17.34 Player 11 Killed pigñoççhìo with a Flak Cannon
17.35 DoopieDoOver Killed Player 11 with a DamType_Rocket
17.48 Halal_Pork i unreg so much against this zan dude
17.52 Player 26 Connected
17.55 GUNZA Killed DoopieDoOver with a DamType_SniperShot
17.62 Red Team Scored Frag!
17.83 Vainqueur Killed Player 26 with a DamType_ShockBeam
17.91 computerquip Killed Vainqueur with a DamType_ShockBeam
17.95 Sol°PhXxx Killed Pancakes with a DamType_BioGlob
18.02 Player 11 Killed DoopieDoOver with a DamType_Rocket
18.05 Vainqueur Killed Sol°PhXxx with a DamType_ShockBeam
18.10 Pancakes incredibly rude
18.25 computerquip Killed Player 11 with a DamType_ShockBeam
18.30 GUNZA Killed Halal_Pork with a Shock Rifle
18.31 SoL°Zoot3d Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_BioGlob
18.39 Vainqueur Killed computerquip with a DamType_ShockBeam
18.39 Player 26 Suicided with an Unknown Weapon
18.39 Player 26 Disconnected
18.44 Red Team Scored Frag!
18.44 Game Ended - Team Score Limit

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