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Chat Log for Welcome To New SoL1! Noob Friendly Server Chi - FR-Campgrounds2004-G3E-XE-50
on Sun, Mar 02 2025 at 2:00:05 AM
Minutes Player Text
-0.97 pelicanfly Connected
-0.97 pelicanfly Team Change to Red Team
-0.97 computerquip Connected
-0.97 computerquip Team Change to Blue Team
-0.97 Pancakes Connected
-0.97 Pancakes Team Change to Red Team
-0.97 Player 17 Connected
-0.97 Player 17 Team Change to Blue Team
-0.97 -Kabronator Connected
-0.97 SoL°Zoot3d Connected
-0.97 -Kabronator Team Change to Red Team
-0.97 SoL°Zoot3d Team Change to Blue Team
-0.97 GUNZA Connected
-0.97 GUNZA Team Change to Red Team
-0.96 Sol}KillaKiwi Connected
-0.96 Sol}KillaKiwi Team Change to Blue Team
-0.96 Anonymous Connected
-0.96 Anonymous Team Change to Red Team
-0.96 Smart&sexy Connected
-0.96 Smart&sexy Team Change to Blue Team
-0.95 oOooo Connected
-0.95 oOooo Team Change to Red Team
-0.94 Player 13 Connected
-0.94 Player 13 Team Change to Blue Team
-0.94 SoL{merce-007 Connected
-0.94 SoL{merce-007 Team Change to Red Team
-0.93 pigñoççhìo Connected
-0.93 pigñoççhìo Team Change to Blue Team
-0.91 Halal_Pork Connected
-0.91 Halal_Pork Team Change to Red Team
-0.85 Sol}KillaKiwi u have a leash?
-0.79 pigñoççhìo grr
-0.74 Pancakes you don't ever willingly unleash a pig
-0.71 Sol}KillaKiwi meow?
-0.70 Pancakes everyone knows this
-0.67 oOooo Moo1
-0.63 SoL{merce-007 Disconnected
-0.50 Pancakes very bad idea Kiwi
-0.48 pigñoççhìo nono kiwi
-0.31 pigñoççhìo u keep that shit over there'
-0.25 Sol}KillaKiwi thanks for the advice jeeko, too late as usual
-0.14 Pancakes yeah story of my lif
-0.12 Pancakes e
-0.10 CannonX Connected
-0.10 CannonX Team Change to Red Team
-0.06 Sol}KillaKiwi Team Change to Red Team
-0.06 Anonymous Team Change to Blue Team
-0.06 Smart&sexy Team Change to Red Team
-0.06 Halal_Pork Team Change to Blue Team
-0.06 CannonX Team Change to Blue Team
-0.06 computerquip Team Change to Red Team
-0.06 GUNZA Team Change to Blue Team
-0.03 A kick vote has been placed against JeekoTheKiwiKiller
0.00 Game Start
0.15 pelicanfly Killed Player 17 with a DamType_SniperShot
0.17 SoL}STONE Connected
0.19 GUNZA Killed Sol}KillaKiwi with a DamType_ShockBeam
0.24 computerquip Killed Anonymous with a DamType_SniperShot
0.29 pelicanfly Killed CannonX with a DamType_SniperShot
0.31 SoL°Zoot3d Killed computerquip with a DamType_ShockBeam
0.33 Player 13 Killed pelicanfly with a DamType_ShockBall
0.36 GUNZA Killed -Kabronator with a DamType_SniperShot
0.37 Sol}KillaKiwi oh dear the anon minigunne ris here
0.37 Anonymous holy 200 ping rockets
0.41 SoL°Zoot3d Killed oOooo with a DamType_SniperShot
0.48 Pancakes Killed Player 13 with a DamType_Rocket
0.54 SoL°Zoot3d Killed Smart&sexy with a DamType_Rocket
0.57 SoL°Zoot3d Killed Pancakes with a DamType_SniperShot
0.63 pelicanfly Killed SoL°Zoot3d with a DamType_SniperShot
0.63 SoL°Zoot3d Killed pelicanfly with a DamType_Rocket
0.70 Blue Team Scored Frag!
0.76 Player 13 Suicided
0.76 Player 13 Disconnected
0.77 Anonymous yes
0.99 Anonymous Killed SoL}STONE with a DamType_MinigunAlt
0.99 Player 17 Killed Pancakes with a Shock Rifle
1.05 pelicanfly Killed GUNZA with a DamType_SniperShot
1.09 pigñoççhìo Killed pelicanfly with a DamType_SniperShot
1.15 Sol}KillaKiwi Killed CannonX with a DamType_Rocket
1.15 oOooo Headshot Halal_Pork with a DamTypeHeadshot
1.22 computerquip Killed Player 17 with a DamType_ShockBeam
1.24 pigñoççhìo Killed Sol}KillaKiwi with a DamType_ShockBeam
1.24 SoL°Zoot3d Killed oOooo with a DamType_ShockBeam
1.37 Anonymous Killed Smart&sexy with a DamType_MinigunBullet
1.41 -Kabronator Killed pigñoççhìo with a Shock Rifle
1.41 Pancakes do kiwis fly in flocks
1.53 Pancakes or are they flightless entirely
1.57 -Kabronator Killed Anonymous with a DamType_Rocket
1.63 Sol}KillaKiwi no
1.78 Halal_Pork Sir_Camelot is now AFK.
1.78 Halal_Pork Disconnected
1.79 Sol}KillaKiwi Killed GUNZA with a DamType_Rocket
1.87 SoL}STONE Killed Player 17 with a Flak Cannon
1.88 CannonX Killed Sol}KillaKiwi with a DamType_ShockBeam
1.89 -Kabronator Killed CannonX with a Flak Cannon
1.95 SoL°Zoot3d Killed -Kabronator with a DamType_SniperShot
1.95 pelicanfly Killed Anonymous with a DamType_SniperShot
1.98 pigñoççhìo Killed SoL}STONE with a DamType_ShockBeam
2.04 Sol}KillaKiwi we are solitary creatures
2.04 computerquip Headshot pigñoççhìo with a DamTypeHeadshot
2.12 SoL°Zoot3d Killed computerquip with a DamType_ShockBeam
2.14 Pancakes Killed SoL°Zoot3d with a DamType_SniperShot
2.20 Red Team Scored Frag!
2.25 Anonymous =kiwi
2.48 SoL}STONE Killed oOooo with a Shock Rifle
2.49 Smart&sexy Killed SoL°Zoot3d with a DamType_Rocket
2.56 Sol}KillaKiwi Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_Rocket
2.61 Pancakes Killed GUNZA with a Flak Cannon
2.62 pigñoççhìo hkiwi
2.63 pelicanfly Killed Player 17 with a DamType_SniperShot
2.71 -Kabronator Killed Anonymous with a DamType_ShockBeam
2.86 pelicanfly Killed SoL}STONE with a DamType_SniperShot
2.91 -Kabronator Killed CannonX with a DamType_SniperShot
2.97 Red Team Scored Frag!
2.99 pelicanfly hkiwi
3.01 pigñoççhìo jeeks why didnt u tell me the pipe was empty
3.25 Sol}KillaKiwi why yall wanna hunt me?
3.28 pelicanfly Killed SoL°Zoot3d with a DamType_ShockBeam
3.29 GUNZA Killed oOooo with a Shock Rifle
3.38 Pancakes Killed Anonymous with a Flak Cannon
3.41 SoL°Zoot3d thaw2
3.41 pelicanfly Killed CannonX with a DamType_Rocket
3.42 pigñoççhìo Killed Smart&sexy with a DamType_ShockBeam
3.49 Pancakes Killed pigñoççhìo with a Flak Cannon
3.51 pelicanfly Killed SoL}STONE with a DamType_SniperShot
3.53 SoL°Zoot3d thaw2
3.53 GUNZA Killed -Kabronator with a DamType_ShockBeam
3.65 Pancakes oh my bad
3.69 oOooo Killed Anonymous with a DamType_ShockBeam
3.71 Pancakes Killed GUNZA with a DamType_SniperShot
3.72 Anonymous ^1sorry ^2my ^3fault
3.81 Player 17 Killed pelicanfly with a DamType_SniperShot
3.83 computerquip Killed Player 17 with a DamType_ShockBeam
3.89 pelicanfly thaw2
3.95 Sol}KillaKiwi Killed CannonX with a DamType_ShockBeam
3.96 SoL°Zoot3d Killed computerquip with a DamType_ShockBeam
4.01 pelicanfly tmm
4.05 pelicanfly tmmm
4.13 Player 17 Killed Pancakes with a DamType_Rocket
4.24 Sol}KillaKiwi Killed Player 17 with a DamType_Rocket
4.28 SoL°Zoot3d Killed computerquip with a DamType_SniperShot
4.30 Smart&sexy Killed GUNZA with a DamType_ShockBeam
4.35 SoL°Zoot3d Killed Pancakes with a DamType_ShockBeam
4.39 CannonX Killed Sol}KillaKiwi with a DamType_BioGlob
4.44 pigñoççhìo ohhhhh thats the stuff
4.47 Player 17 Killed -Kabronator with a DamType_SniperShot
4.51 pelicanfly Killed SoL°Zoot3d with a Shock Rifle
4.55 Anonymous Killed Smart&sexy with a DamType_MinigunBullet
4.55 Pancakes sucked
4.56 Smart&sexy Killed Anonymous with a DamType_Rocket
4.58 pelicanfly suckit
4.61 Player 17 Killed oOooo with a Shock Rifle
4.62 pelicanfly Killed Player 17 with a DamType_ShockBeam
4.68 Pancakes /unsubscribe
4.79 CannonX Killed computerquip with a DamType_Rocket
5.07 SoL°Zoot3d Killed pelicanfly with a Shock Rifle
5.13 Blue Team Scored Frag!
5.31 Halal_Pork Connected
5.36 computerquip Killed SoL°Zoot3d with a DamType_SniperShot
5.43 Anonymous Killed Sol}KillaKiwi with a DamType_MinigunAlt
5.51 Sol}KillaKiwi res
5.51 Player 17 Headshot oOooo with a DamTypeHeadshot
5.60 pelicanfly Killed GUNZA with a Shock Rifle
5.62 oOooo nfs
5.65 Pancakes Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_Rocket
5.75 pigñoççhìo notokes
5.78 pelicanfly Killed SoL°Zoot3d with a DamType_SniperShot
5.78 Pancakes Killed SoL}STONE with a DamType_BioGlob
5.79 pigñoççhìo nocakes
5.82 Sol}KillaKiwi nice fat sock?
5.84 pigñoççhìo nocake
5.84 -Kabronator Killed CannonX with a DamType_Rocket
5.84 Anonymous Killed computerquip with a DamType_MinigunBullet
5.87 SoL°Zoot3d thaw2
5.93 pelicanfly Killed Anonymous with a DamType_ShockBeam
6.26 -Kabronator Killed GUNZA with a DamType_SniperShot
6.33 pigñoççhìo Headshot pelicanfly with a DamTypeHeadshot
6.38 computerquip Killed SoL°Zoot3d with a DamType_ShockBeam
6.41 computerquip Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_ShockBeam
6.41 Anonymous Killed Pancakes with a DamType_MinigunBullet
6.41 CannonX Killed Smart&sexy with a DamType_ShockBeam
6.52 Player 17 Killed -Kabronator with a Shock Rifle
6.56 SoL°Zoot3d Killed oOooo with a DamType_ShockBeam
6.58 Player 17 Killed Sol}KillaKiwi with a DamType_ShockBeam
6.63 pigñoççhìo resz
6.65 Anonymous Killed computerquip with a DamType_LinkShaft
6.69 Smart&sexy Killed CannonX with a Flak Cannon
6.74 pigñoççhìo resz
6.87 Sol}KillaKiwi sir spamalot u therE?
6.90 Smart&sexy Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_Rocket
6.91 Player 17 Killed pelicanfly with a DamType_ShockBeam
6.95 computerquip Killed Player 17 with a DamType_ShockBeam
7.01 computerquip Killed SoL°Zoot3d with a DamType_SniperShot
7.11 computerquip Killed SoL}STONE with a DamType_ShockBeam
7.22 -Kabronator Killed Anonymous with a DamType_Rocket
7.30 pelicanfly Killed GUNZA with a DamType_SniperShot
7.34 Smart&sexy Killed CannonX with a DamType_Rocket
7.41 Red Team Scored Frag!
7.54 SoL°Zoot3d Killed Halal_Pork with a DamType_SniperShot
7.61 GUNZA Killed oOooo with a Shock Rifle
7.62 pelicanfly hes in the process of filling up the sock.
7.72 Player 17 Killed pelicanfly with a DamType_Rocket
7.75 Player 17 Killed computerquip with a DamType_Rocket
7.81 Sol}KillaKiwi Killed Player 17 with a Shock Rifle
7.83 SoL}STONE Suicided with a Flak Cannon
7.84 GUNZA Killed -Kabronator with a Shock Rifle
7.84 Halal_Pork im back
7.92 Anonymous Killed Smart&sexy with a DamType_MinigunBullet
7.98 pigñoççhìo Killed Sol}KillaKiwi with a DamType_ShockBeam
7.98 Anonymous Killed Pancakes with a DamType_MinigunBullet
8.02 pelicanfly did you camealot
8.05 Blue Team Scored Frag!
8.12 Halal_Pork yes very
8.26 Player 17 Killed Sol}KillaKiwi with a DamType_SniperShot
8.28 GUNZA Killed pelicanfly with a Shock Rifle
8.31 Pancakes Killed Anonymous with a Flak Cannon
8.31 Sol}KillaKiwi ns
8.37 Halal_Pork Killed SoL°Zoot3d with a DamType_SniperShot
8.43 Smart&sexy Killed Anonymous with a DamType_Rocket
8.43 -Kabronator Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_ShockBeam
8.45 Sol}KillaKiwi es me jeeko
8.51 GUNZA Killed -Kabronator with a DamType_ShockBeam
8.57 CannonX Killed Smart&sexy with a DamType_ShockBeam
8.58 GUNZA Killed pelicanfly with a DamType_ShockBeam
8.59 Sol}KillaKiwi Killed SoL}STONE with a DamType_Rocket
8.60 -Kabronator cocksukers
8.61 CannonX Killed Halal_Pork with a DamType_ShockBeam
8.66 Player 17 Killed Pancakes with a DamType_SniperShot
8.76 computerquip Killed CannonX with a DamType_ShockBeam
8.78 Sol}KillaKiwi Killed GUNZA with a DamType_Rocket
8.78 Player 17 Killed Sol}KillaKiwi with a DamType_Rocket
8.91 Pancakes es whats that mean
8.97 pigñoççhìo Killed computerquip with a DamType_ShockBall
9.03 Anonymous Killed Smart&sexy with a DamType_MinigunAlt
9.10 pelicanfly Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_SniperShot
9.13 oOooo Killed GUNZA with a DamType_ShockBeam
9.16 -Kabronator Killed Player 17 with a DamType_ShockBeam
9.17 pelicanfly Killed Anonymous with a Shock Rifle
9.26 pelicanfly Killed CannonX with a DamType_ShockBeam
9.32 Sol}KillaKiwi Killed SoL°Zoot3d with a DamType_Rocket
9.42 SoL°Sledge Connected
9.48 SoL°Sledge yo
9.51 pigñoççhìo stone use that shock ur good with it
9.53 Smart&sexy Killed SoL}STONE with a DamType_Rocket
9.54 Anonymous rq
9.57 Anonymous Suicided
9.57 Anonymous Disconnected
9.59 Red Team Scored Frag!
9.59 pigñoççhìo hiya sledge
9.59 Player 17 hi sledge
9.65 pigñoççhìo stone use that shock ur good with it
9.87 Halal_Pork Killed GUNZA with a DamType_ShockBall
9.87 Player 17 Killed oOooo with a DamType_SniperShot
9.96 Smart&sexy Killed CannonX with a DamType_ShockBeam
9.97 pelicanfly Killed SoL°Sledge with a DamType_ShockBeam
9.98 SoL°Zoot3d Killed Pancakes with a DamType_Rocket
10.02 SoL}STONE Killed Halal_Pork with a Shock Rifle
10.04 computerquip Killed Player 17 with a DamType_ShockBeam
10.08 -Kabronator Killed SoL}STONE with a Flak Cannon
10.09 computerquip Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_ShockBeam
10.12 SoL°Zoot3d Killed oOooo with a DamType_ShockBeam
10.29 Sol}KillaKiwi Killed CannonX with a DamType_Rocket
10.40 computerquip Killed SoL°Zoot3d with a DamType_ShockBeam
10.56 oOooo Killed Player 17 with a DamType_MinigunBullet
10.61 -Kabronator Killed SoL°Sledge with a DamType_Rocket
10.79 pelicanfly Killed GUNZA with a DamType_ShockBeam
10.84 -Kabronator ^5AMP ^7up in ^510 ^7seconds
10.94 Halal_Pork Killed CannonX with a DamType_ShockBeam
11.00 Red Team Scored Frag!
11.19 pelicanfly Killed CannonX with a DamType_ShockBeam
11.36 SoL}STONE Killed Halal_Pork with a Flak Cannon
11.38 pelicanfly Killed SoL}STONE with a DamType_ShockBeam
11.39 pigñoççhìo Killed pelicanfly with a DamType_ShockBeam
11.49 GUNZA Killed Sol}KillaKiwi with a DamType_SniperShot
11.53 pigñoççhìo Killed oOooo with a DamType_ShockBeam
11.56 Halal_Pork Killed SoL°Sledge with a Shock Rifle
11.56 SoL°Sledge Killed Pancakes with a Flak Cannon
11.57 pelicanfly Killed Player 17 with a DamType_ShockBeam
11.59 Smart&sexy Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_SniperShot
11.61 GUNZA Suicided with a DamType_ShockBall
11.62 Sol}KillaKiwi hi sledge
11.74 CannonX Killed Halal_Pork with a DamType_ShockBeam
11.76 SoL°Zoot3d Killed oOooo with a DamType_Rocket
11.84 Sol}KillaKiwi Suicided with a DamType_Rocket
11.85 pelicanfly Killed CannonX with a DamType_ShockBeam
11.91 SoL°Zoot3d Killed Smart&sexy with a DamType_ShockBeam
11.91 pelicanfly Killed SoL°Zoot3d with a DamType_SniperShot
11.95 Halal_Pork ameno
12.00 gouda Connected
12.05 gouda hi
12.13 pelicanfly Killed Player 17 with a Shock Rifle
12.20 GUNZA Killed -Kabronator with a Shock Rifle
12.29 computerquip Headshot GUNZA with a DamTypeHeadshot
12.38 Pancakes Killed SoL}STONE with a DamType_Rocket
12.39 pelicanfly Killed SoL°Zoot3d with a DamType_SniperShot
12.45 Red Team Scored Frag!
12.49 pelicanfly ameno
12.58 pigñoççhìo Killed pelicanfly with a DamType_BioGlob
12.64 computerquip Killed GUNZA with a DamType_ShockBeam
12.71 SoL°Zoot3d Killed -Kabronator with a DamType_ShockBeam
12.77 Halal_Pork Killed gouda with a DamType_ShockBall
12.78 SoL°Sledge Killed computerquip with a DamType_SniperShot
12.82 Smart&sexy Killed SoL°Sledge with a DamType_Rocket
12.83 gouda ouch
12.88 SoL°Zoot3d Killed Pancakes with a DamType_SniperShot
12.90 pelicanfly ameno
12.97 computerquip Killed SoL}STONE with a DamType_SniperShot
13.00 Smart&sexy Suicided with a DamType_Rocket
13.11 gouda res
13.11 oOooo Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_ShockBeam
13.11 Sol}KillaKiwi Killed CannonX with a DamType_Rocket
13.15 pelicanfly Killed Player 17 with a DamType_ShockBeam
13.16 GUNZA Killed Sol}KillaKiwi with a DamType_Rocket
13.19 GUNZA Killed oOooo with a DamType_Rocket
13.20 computerquip Killed GUNZA with a Shock Rifle
13.24 SoL°Zoot3d Headshot Halal_Pork with a DamTypeHeadshot
13.42 pelicanfly Killed gouda with a DamType_ShockBeam
13.51 gouda ameno
13.59 pelicanfly Killed SoL°Zoot3d with a DamType_Rocket
13.61 Pancakes Killed SoL}STONE with a Flak Cannon
13.67 pigñoççhìo Killed Smart&sexy with a Flak Cannon
13.73 Pancakes Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_SniperShot
13.76 pelicanfly ameno
13.86 Pancakes ameno
13.87 SoL}STONE Killed computerquip with a DamType_ShockBeam
13.88 Pancakes ameno
13.90 Pancakes ameno
13.91 Pancakes ameno
13.92 Pancakes ameno
13.93 pelicanfly ameno
13.96 Smart&sexy Killed SoL}STONE with a DamType_Rocket
13.98 oOooo ameno
13.98 gouda ameno
14.01 gouda ameno
14.01 Pancakes ameno
14.01 Sol}KillaKiwi acid?
14.02 SoL°Zoot3d ameno
14.02 gouda ameno
14.02 Pancakes ameno
14.04 Pancakes ameno
14.04 SoL°Zoot3d ameno
14.05 SoL°Zoot3d ameno
14.07 SoL°Zoot3d ameno
14.08 gouda ameno
14.09 gouda ameno
14.10 SoL°Zoot3d ameno
14.12 SoL°Zoot3d ameno
14.12 pelicanfly ameno
14.14 SoL°Zoot3d ameno
14.16 SoL°Zoot3d ameno
14.17 GUNZA lol
14.17 SoL°Zoot3d ameno
14.18 gouda
14.19 SoL°Zoot3d ameno
14.20 pelicanfly Killed CannonX with a DamType_ShockBeam
14.22 SoL°Zoot3d ameno
14.24 SoL°Zoot3d ameno
14.24 computerquip Killed SoL°Sledge with a DamType_ShockBeam
14.28 pelicanfly ameno
14.38 Player 17 Killed Sol}KillaKiwi with a DamType_Rocket
14.40 SoL°Zoot3d Killed Pancakes with a DamType_SniperShot
14.45 GUNZA Killed Halal_Pork with a DamType_SniperShot
14.45 computerquip Killed gouda with a DamType_ShockBeam
14.45 Sol}KillaKiwi bppp
14.49 pelicanfly ameno
14.58 GUNZA Killed oOooo with a DamType_SniperShot
14.58 gouda ouch
14.61 GUNZA Killed pelicanfly with a DamType_SniperShot
14.61 -Kabronator scarab
14.67 Pancakes Killed SoL°Zoot3d with a DamType_Rocket
14.68 pelicanfly ameno
14.69 gouda Killed Pancakes with a Flak Cannon
14.72 Smart&sexy Suicided with a DamType_Overtime
14.92 GUNZA Killed computerquip with a DamType_ShockBeam
14.95 pelicanfly ameno
15.05 Player 17 Suicided with a DamType_Overtime
15.06 CannonX Killed -Kabronator with a DamType_ShockBeam
15.10 -Kabronator scarab
15.11 SoL°Sledge Killed Sol}KillaKiwi with a DamType_SniperShot
15.25 computerquip Killed SoL°Zoot3d with a DamType_SniperShot
15.25 Pancakes bagofdicks
15.25 -Kabronator scarab
15.30 pelicanfly Killed SoL}STONE with a DamType_ShockBeam
15.31 Pancakes Killed SoL°Sledge with a DamType_SniperShot
15.32 microaggressor Connected
15.35 pelicanfly Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_ShockBeam
15.38 computerquip Killed GUNZA with a DamType_ShockBeam
15.40 SoL°Zoot3d thaw2
15.42 SoL°Zoot3d thaw2
15.44 gouda Killed Halal_Pork with a Shock Rifle
15.44 Pancakes Killed CannonX with a DamType_Rocket
15.45 Player 17 Killed oOooo with a Flak Cannon
15.52 gouda Killed Pancakes with a Shock Rifle
15.52 pelicanfly Killed gouda with a DamType_Rocket
15.54 Halal_Pork scarab
15.54 Player 17 Killed pelicanfly with a DamType_ShockBeam
15.61 -Kabronator scarab
15.62 pelicanfly scarab
15.63 computerquip Killed Player 17 with a DamType_ShockBeam
15.69 Red Team Scored Frag!
15.70 Pancakes scarab
15.72 Pancakes scarab
15.73 Pancakes scarab
15.75 Pancakes scarab
15.76 Pancakes scarab
15.79 SoL°Zoot3d Killed Sol}KillaKiwi with a DamType_ShockBeam
15.86 pelicanfly Killed CannonX with a DamType_ShockBeam
15.88 Sol}KillaKiwi Suicided with an Unknown Weapon
15.88 Sol}KillaKiwi Sol}KillaKiwi is now AFK.
15.88 Sol}KillaKiwi brb
15.88 Sol}KillaKiwi Disconnected
15.90 pelicanfly scarab
15.94 SoL°Zoot3d Killed Halal_Pork with a DamType_Rocket
15.95 -Kabronator Killed SoL°Zoot3d with a Shock Rifle
16.00 pelicanfly Killed SoL}STONE with a DamType_Rocket
16.05 Pancakes Killed SoL°Sledge with a Flak Cannon
16.09 GUNZA Killed pelicanfly with a DamType_Rocket
16.14 Pancakes Suicided with a Flak Cannon
16.18 computerquip Killed microaggressor with a DamType_SniperShot
16.19 SoL°Zoot3d Killed computerquip with a DamType_SniperShot
16.22 Halal_Pork Killed pigñoççhìo with a Shock Rifle
16.24 GUNZA Killed Halal_Pork with a Flak Cannon
16.24 GUNZA Killed Smart&sexy with a Flak Cannon
16.30 pelicanfly Killed Player 17 with a DamType_ShockBeam
16.35 microaggressor Killed -Kabronator with a DamType_SniperShot
16.38 gouda Killed oOooo with a Shock Rifle
16.66 Player 17 Killed Pancakes with a DamType_Rocket
16.71 Halal_Pork Killed SoL}STONE with a Shock Rifle
16.73 pigñoççhìo ohgoodie
16.74 Player 17 Killed Halal_Pork with a DamType_ShockBeam
16.74 Halal_Pork Killed CannonX with a DamType_ShockBall
16.85 Halal_Pork tnass
16.91 Player 17 Killed pelicanfly with a DamType_Rocket
16.96 pelicanfly tmmm
17.00 SoL°Sledge Killed -Kabronator with a DamType_ShockBeam
17.07 Blue Team Scored Frag!
17.18 SoL°Sledge Killed pelicanfly with a DamType_Rocket
17.28 SoL°Zoot3d Killed -Kabronator with a Shock Rifle
17.33 SoL°Zoot3d Killed Halal_Pork with a DamType_ShockBeam
17.34 -Kabronator res
17.35 Smart&sexy Killed gouda with a DamType_Rocket
17.37 SoL°Zoot3d Killed Smart&sexy with a DamType_ShockBeam
17.39 -Kabronator fuckity
17.42 gouda ouch
17.43 -Kabronator fuckity
17.45 SoL°Sledge Killed computerquip with a DamType_SniperShot
17.46 SoL°Zoot3d Killed pigñoççhìo with a Shock Rifle
17.51 Smart&sexy res
17.54 Player 17 Killed Pancakes with a DamType_Rocket
17.55 SoL°Zoot3d Killed oOooo with a DamType_ShockBeam
17.61 Halal_Pork notcool
17.62 Blue Team Scored Frag!
17.66 SoL°Zoot3d lol
17.88 computerquip Killed SoL}STONE with a DamType_SniperShot
17.88 Pancakes Killed Player 17 with a DamType_SniperShot
17.89 -Kabronator Killed gouda with a Flak Cannon
17.91 microaggressor Headshot pelicanfly with a DamTypeHeadshot
17.92 oOooo Killed SoL°Zoot3d with a DamType_SniperShot
17.95 Smart&sexy Killed SoL°Sledge with a Shock Rifle
17.97 gouda ouch
18.01 microaggressor Killed Halal_Pork with a DamType_SniperShot
18.08 Pancakes Killed GUNZA with a DamType_Rocket
18.12 oOooo Killed microaggressor with a DamType_Rocket
18.22 pelicanfly Killed CannonX with a Shock Rifle
18.30 pelicanfly Killed SoL}STONE with a DamType_SniperShot
18.37 Red Team Scored Frag!
18.42 gouda teens
18.57 SoL°Sledge Killed pelicanfly with a DamType_Rocket
18.58 GUNZA Killed pigñoççhìo with a Shock Rifle
18.62 gouda Killed -Kabronator with a DamType_ShockBeam
18.67 GUNZA Suicided with a Flak Cannon
18.68 Player 17 Killed oOooo with a DamType_ShockBeam
18.69 SoL°Zoot3d Killed Pancakes with a DamType_SniperShot
18.69 Smart&sexy Killed gouda with a DamType_Rocket
18.72 pelicanfly Killed SoL°Sledge with a DamType_ShockBeam
18.74 gouda omfg
18.76 Smart&sexy Killed CannonX with a DamType_Rocket
18.79 microaggressor Headshot Halal_Pork with a DamTypeHeadshot
18.81 pelicanfly Killed SoL°Zoot3d with a DamType_SniperShot
18.81 pigñoççhìo Killed Player 17 with a DamType_ShockBeam
18.86 SoL°Sledge Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_ShockBeam
18.92 pelicanfly Killed SoL°Sledge with a DamType_ShockBeam
18.93 GUNZA Killed pelicanfly with a DamType_Rocket
19.00 microaggressor Killed Smart&sexy with a DamType_SniperShot
19.06 oOooo Killed gouda with a Shock Rifle
19.11 GUNZA Killed oOooo with a DamType_Rocket
19.14 Player 17 Killed computerquip with a Flak Cannon
19.25 Player 17 Killed Pancakes with a DamType_SniperShot
19.54 Player 17 Killed -Kabronator with a Shock Rifle
19.61 Halal_Pork Killed SoL}STONE with a Flak Cannon
19.64 pigñoççhìo Killed GUNZA with a DamType_ShockBeam
19.65 SoL°Zoot3d Killed Halal_Pork with a DamType_MinigunBullet
19.72 SoL°Zoot3d Killed pigñoççhìo with a Shock Rifle
19.78 Blue Team Scored Frag!
19.92 microaggressor Killed pelicanfly with a Flak Cannon
19.96 computerquip Killed Player 17 with a DamType_ShockBeam
20.02 -Kabronator Killed SoL°Zoot3d with a DamType_Rocket
20.05 oOooo Killed GUNZA with a DamType_SniperShot
20.09 Player 17 Killed oOooo with a Flak Cannon
20.14 Smart&sexy Killed gouda with a DamType_ShockBeam
20.14 SoL°Sledge Killed SoL}STONE with a DamType_ShockBeam
20.16 pelicanfly Killed Player 17 with a DamType_ShockBeam
20.19 CannonX Killed Smart&sexy with a DamType_ShockBeam
20.20 gouda ouch
20.21 pelicanfly Killed microaggressor with a Shock Rifle
20.26 Smart&sexy res
20.29 computerquip Killed CannonX with a DamType_ShockBeam
20.33 pigñoççhìo Killed Halal_Pork with a DamType_ShockBeam
20.42 oOooo Killed SoL°Sledge with a DamType_SniperShot
20.48 Red Team Scored Frag!
20.69 GUNZA Killed oOooo with a Flak Cannon
20.71 computerquip Killed Player 17 with a DamType_ShockBeam
20.77 computerquip Headshot SoL°Sledge with a DamTypeHeadshot
20.84 gouda Killed pelicanfly with a Shock Rifle
20.85 CannonX Killed Pancakes with a DamType_ShockBeam
20.86 SoL°Zoot3d Killed SoL}STONE with a Flak Cannon
20.87 computerquip Killed CannonX with a DamType_ShockBeam
20.87 pigñoççhìo Killed gouda with a DamType_ShockBall
20.90 Pancakes ameno
20.92 Pancakes ameno
20.93 Pancakes ameno
20.94 Pancakes ameno
20.95 -Kabronator Killed Halal_Pork with a DamType_ShockBeam
20.96 Pancakes ameno
20.98 Pancakes ameno
20.99 oOooo Killed GUNZA with a DamType_ShockBeam
20.99 Pancakes ameno
21.02 Halal_Pork ahh
21.03 SoL°Zoot3d Killed computerquip with a DamType_ShockBeam
21.16 Halal_Pork ameno
21.23 SoL°Zoot3d Killed pelicanfly with a DamType_Rocket
21.23 SoL°Sledge Killed Smart&sexy with a DamType_SniperShot
21.29 Player 17 Killed -Kabronator with a DamType_SniperShot
21.31 pigñoççhìo Killed SoL°Zoot3d with a DamType_SniperShot
21.34 SoL}STONE Disconnected
21.34 CannonX Killed Pancakes with a DamType_ShockBeam
21.39 pigñoççhìo Killed microaggressor with a Shock Rifle
21.39 oOooo Suicided with a DamType_Rocket
21.43 SoL°Sledge Killed computerquip with a DamType_SniperShot
21.45 pigñoççhìo Suicided with a DamType_ShockBall
21.51 Blue Team Scored Frag!
21.68 gouda Killed Smart&sexy with a DamType_Rocket
21.69 Player 17 Killed computerquip with a DamType_Rocket
21.78 pelicanfly Killed SoL°Sledge with a DamType_SniperShot
21.79 Player 17 Killed oOooo with a DamType_ShockBeam
21.84 SoL°Zoot3d Killed Pancakes with a DamType_ShockBeam
21.91 CannonX Killed pelicanfly with a DamType_Rocket
22.12 SoL°Zoot3d Killed -Kabronator with a DamType_SniperShot
22.22 microaggressor Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_LinkShaft
22.28 gouda ouch
22.29 Blue Team Scored Frag!
22.61 -Kabronator Killed gouda with a DamType_ShockBeam
22.67 gouda res
22.70 Pancakes Killed GUNZA with a Flak Cannon
22.80 computerquip Killed gouda with a DamType_SniperShot
22.84 Player 17 Killed pigñoççhìo with a Shock Rifle
22.87 Halal_Pork Killed -Kabronator with a DamType_ShockBall
22.88 -Kabronator Killed microaggressor with a Flak Cannon
22.89 Player 17 Killed Pancakes with a DamType_ShockBeam
22.93 -Kabronator rees
22.97 Player 17 Killed oOooo with a Flak Cannon
22.98 computerquip Killed SoL°Sledge with a DamType_ShockBeam
23.00 computerquip Killed Halal_Pork with a DamType_SniperShot
23.00 pelicanfly Killed CannonX with a Shock Rifle
23.03 Player 17 Killed computerquip with a DamType_ShockBeam
23.07 Pancakes punches cat in the throat
23.11 SoL°Zoot3d Killed pelicanfly with a Shock Rifle
23.13 Smart&sexy Killed Player 17 with a Shock Rifle
23.24 -Kabronator 100a
23.28 Halal_Pork peta knows ur location
23.32 Player 17 flak
23.34 CannonX Killed Smart&sexy with a DamType_Rocket
23.38 Pancakes Killed SoL°Zoot3d with a DamType_SniperShot
23.55 Pancakes I'll punch the peta lady in the throat too
23.57 computerquip Killed CannonX with a DamType_ShockBeam
23.59 oOooo Killed microaggressor with a DamType_BioGlob
23.61 computerquip Killed gouda with a DamType_Rocket
23.69 Player 17 Killed Pancakes with a Shock Rifle
23.73 Player 17 Killed Smart&sexy with a Shock Rifle
23.76 Pancakes fkn meatball sub eating fat peta biatch
23.78 pelicanfly Killed Player 17 with a DamType_ShockBeam
23.81 SoL°Sledge Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_SniperShot
23.82 SoL°Zoot3d Jump3
23.85 microaggressor Killed computerquip with a DamType_Rocket
23.85 microaggressor Killed pelicanfly with a DamType_Rocket
23.87 oOooo Killed GUNZA with a DamType_ShockBeam
23.91 SoL°Zoot3d Killed Pancakes with a Shock Rifle
23.94 oOooo Killed microaggressor with a DamType_ShockBeam
24.00 oOooo Killed Halal_Pork with a DamType_ShockBall
24.00 SoL°Zoot3d Killed -Kabronator with a DamType_ShockBeam
24.02 CannonX Killed oOooo with a DamType_Rocket
24.06 Smart&sexy Killed CannonX with a DamType_ShockBeam
24.08 SoL°Zoot3d Killed computerquip with a DamType_ShockBeam
24.08 Player 17 Killed Smart&sexy with a DamType_Rocket
24.25 Halal_Pork PETA has gained authorization to kill
24.30 SoL°Zoot3d Killed Pancakes with a DamType_ShockBeam
24.44 CannonX Killed pigñoççhìo with a DamType_ShockBeam
24.51 Blue Team Scored Frag!
24.53 SoL°Zoot3d YES
24.56 SoL°Zoot3d High
24.73 oOooo Killed Halal_Pork with a DamType_ShockBeam
24.81 Smart&sexy Killed Halal_Pork with a DamType_Rocket
24.81 SoL°Sledge Suicided with a Flak Cannon
24.89 pelicanfly Headshot SoL°Zoot3d with a DamTypeHeadshot
24.90 GUNZA Killed oOooo with a DamType_SniperShot
24.90 microaggressor Killed Smart&sexy with a DamType_Rocket
24.95 gouda Killed computerquip with a DamType_ShockBeam
25.00 pelicanfly Killed GUNZA with a DamType_ShockBeam
25.08 pelicanfly Killed Player 17 with a DamType_ShockBeam
25.13 microaggressor Killed -Kabronator with a Flak Cannon
25.15 oOooo Killed microaggressor with a DamType_Rocket
25.17 pigñoççhìo Killed CannonX with a DamType_ShockBeam
25.19 Pancakes Killed SoL°Sledge with a Flak Cannon
25.23 pelicanfly Killed Halal_Pork with a DamType_ShockBeam
25.25 oOooo Killed gouda with a DamType_Rocket
25.29 Player 17 gg
25.29 gouda omfg
25.32 pigñoççhìo gg
25.32 Halal_Pork shit
25.32 Red Team Scored Frag!
25.32 Game Ended - Team Score Limit

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