Chat Log for Welcome To SoL! Noob Friendly Server Dallas - FR-DE-Grendelkeep-Wulf on Sun, Oct 29 2023 at 10:49:00 PM |
Minutes |
Player |
Text |
-1.06 |
DrNeveX |
Connected |
-1.06 |
DrNeveX |
Team Change to Red Team |
-1.06 |
Player |
Connected |
-1.06 |
Player |
Team Change to Blue Team |
-1.06 |
tiny.avenger |
Connected |
-1.06 |
ShockTuah |
Connected |
-1.06 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Connected |
-1.06 |
tiny.avenger |
Team Change to Red Team |
-1.06 |
ShockTuah |
Team Change to Blue Team |
-1.06 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Team Change to Red Team |
-1.06 |
Player 23 |
Connected |
-1.06 |
Player 23 |
Team Change to Blue Team |
-1.04 |
Anonymous |
Connected |
-1.04 |
Strelkov |
Connected |
-1.04 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Connected |
-1.04 |
Anonymous |
Team Change to Red Team |
-1.04 |
Strelkov |
Team Change to Blue Team |
-1.04 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Team Change to Blue Team |
-1.04 |
od!n |
Connected |
-1.04 |
od!n |
Team Change to Red Team |
-1.04 |
Player 12 |
Connected |
-1.04 |
Player 12 |
Team Change to Red Team |
-1.01 |
SurneEe |
Connected |
-1.01 |
SurneEe |
Team Change to Blue Team |
-0.87 |
DrNeveX |
Disconnected |
-0.86 |
Player 40 |
Connected |
-0.86 |
Player 40 |
Team Change to Red Team |
-0.71 |
Player 40 |
haters |
-0.55 |
tiny.avenger |
did u make that map? |
-0.46 |
Player 40 |
yes |
-0.34 |
tiny.avenger |
stop making exploitable maps |
-0.33 |
SoL°Burr!to |
:D |
-0.28 |
ShockTuah |
it's good, needs a few tweaks |
-0.26 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
thats the second time i got to play for like 1 or 2 rounds |
-0.16 |
tiny.avenger |
its nice up until the supreme camp points |
-0.13 |
SoL°Burr!to |
oopsies |
-0.10 |
od!n |
so green, just sayin |
-0.05 |
Player |
Team Change to Red Team |
-0.05 |
tiny.avenger |
Team Change to Blue Team |
-0.05 |
Anonymous |
Team Change to Blue Team |
-0.05 |
Strelkov |
Team Change to Red Team |
-0.05 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Team Change to Red Team |
-0.05 |
Player 12 |
Team Change to Blue Team |
0.00 |
Game Start |
0.01 |
Player 40 |
thats why its a beta |
0.08 |
Anonymous |
yeah maybe less color |
0.23 |
tiny.avenger |
thats nto why its a beta :P |
0.34 |
Player 23 |
Killed od!n with a DamType_ShockBeam |
0.41 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Killed ShockTuah with a DamType_ShockBeam |
0.44 |
Sol{11xdruidx11 |
Connected |
0.44 |
tiny.avenger |
go into making the map with no camp points in mind |
0.54 |
Player 40 |
Killed Player 23 with a Shock Rifle |
0.61 |
Sol{11xdruidx11 |
Disconnected |
0.76 |
od!n |
Killed SurneEe with a DamType_SniperShot |
0.76 |
Player 12 |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a DamType_Rocket |
0.78 |
ShockTuah |
Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a DamType_SniperShot |
0.79 |
SoL°Burr!to |
rofl |
0.81 |
ShockTuah |
Killed od!n with a DamType_SniperShot |
0.95 |
Anonymous |
Killed Strelkov with a Flak Cannon |
1.14 |
Anonymous |
Killed Player with a DamType_BioGlob |
1.14 |
Anonymous |
Suicided with a DamType_BioGlob |
1.49 |
tiny.avenger |
Killed Player 40 with a DamType_SniperShot |
1.57 |
Blue Team Scored Frag! |
1.66 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
how about not skiping it to test it so it can be better |
1.92 |
Player 40 |
Killed Player 12 with a DamType_Rocket |
2.02 |
Player |
Killed tiny.avenger with a DamType_Rocket |
2.08 |
od!n |
Killed SurneEe with a DamType_ShockBall |
2.08 |
ShockTuah |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a DamType_SniperShot |
2.11 |
SoL°Burr!to |
ow |
2.17 |
Anonymous |
Killed Player 40 with a DamType_ShockBeam |
2.18 |
Player |
Killed Player 23 with a Flak Cannon |
2.31 |
SoL°Burr!to |
ty |
2.38 |
Anonymous |
yes, that map needed more testing :) |
2.52 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed ShockTuah with a DamType_SniperShot |
2.53 |
Player 40 |
yes :D |
2.61 |
Anonymous |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a DamType_SniperShot |
2.64 |
SoL°Burr!to |
ow |
2.88 |
od!n |
Killed Player 23 with a DamType_ShockBeam |
2.90 |
tiny.avenger |
Killed Player with a DamType_ShockBeam |
2.91 |
SoL°Burr!to |
ns |
2.96 |
ShockTuah |
Killed od!n with a DamType_ShockBeam |
2.98 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Killed Anonymous with a DamType_ShockBall |
2.99 |
Player 12 |
Killed Strelkov with a DamType_Rocket |
3.06 |
ShockTuah |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a Shock Rifle |
3.08 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Killed ShockTuah with a DamType_Rocket |
3.08 |
SoL°Burr!to |
o |
3.08 |
Player 12 |
Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a DamType_Rocket |
3.12 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
3.17 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
3.32 |
SurneEe |
Killed Player 40 with a DamType_ShockBall |
3.39 |
Blue Team Scored Frag! |
3.46 |
Anonymous |
does anyone else hear the music |
3.51 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
and i was also trying to huint anon |
3.75 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
3.77 |
Anonymous |
map music |
3.85 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed Player 23 with a DamType_SniperShot |
3.92 |
tiny.avenger |
Killed Strelkov with a DamType_MinigunBullet |
3.94 |
Player |
Killed ShockTuah with a DamType_ShockBeam |
3.95 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed SurneEe with a DamType_ShockBeam |
4.10 |
Player |
Killed Player 12 with a Flak Cannon |
4.14 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Killed Anonymous with a DamType_ShockBeam |
4.15 |
ShockTuah |
yea, mine is really low |
4.25 |
Player |
Killed ShockTuah with a DamType_ShockBeam |
4.32 |
Anonymous |
no way this is OST |
4.33 |
Player 40 |
Killed tiny.avenger with a DamType_Rocket |
4.40 |
Red Team Scored Frag! |
4.63 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Killed Player 23 with a DamType_ShockBeam |
4.65 |
ShockTuah |
Headshot Player 40 with a DamTypeHeadshot |
4.70 |
Strelkov |
Killed Anonymous with a DamType_BioGlob |
4.75 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
4.75 |
od!n |
Killed SurneEe with a DamType_ShockBeam |
4.79 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
4.81 |
od!n |
Killed ShockTuah with a DamType_SniperShot |
4.93 |
tiny.avenger |
Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a Flak Cannon |
5.01 |
ShockTuah |
getaway |
5.05 |
od!n |
Killed Player 12 with a DamType_ShockBeam |
5.26 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed tiny.avenger with a Flak Cannon |
5.32 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
5.39 |
Strelkov |
Killed Player 23 with a DamType_ShockBeam |
5.45 |
Red Team Scored Frag! |
5.47 |
SoL°Burr!to |
pro |
5.69 |
Anonymous |
Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a DamType_ShockBeam |
5.77 |
Player |
Killed Player 23 with a DamType_ShockBeam |
5.77 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed SurneEe with a DamType_ShockBeam |
6.02 |
ShockTuah |
Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a DamType_ShockBeam |
6.16 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
well ,that didn't work |
6.23 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed Anonymous with a Flak Cannon |
6.25 |
Player 40 |
Killed tiny.avenger with a DamType_Rocket |
6.30 |
Anonymous |
ass |
6.32 |
od!n |
Headshot Player 12 with a DamTypeHeadshot |
6.37 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
6.64 |
Strelkov |
Killed ShockTuah with a DamType_MinigunBullet |
6.70 |
Red Team Scored Frag! |
6.72 |
SoL°Burr!to |
pro |
6.79 |
ShockTuah |
awe wanted the git heh |
7.02 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Killed Anonymous with a DamType_Rocket |
7.03 |
Strelkov |
Killed Player 23 with a DamType_Rocket |
7.03 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed SurneEe with a Flak Cannon |
7.06 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
7.15 |
Player |
Killed tiny.avenger with a DamType_SniperShot |
7.24 |
Anonymous |
camper |
7.31 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
7.42 |
Anonymous |
~1hitscan |
7.42 |
od!n |
Killed ShockTuah with a DamType_ShockBeam |
7.43 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Headshot Player 12 with a DamTypeHeadshot |
7.47 |
SoL°Burr!to |
pro |
7.49 |
Red Team Scored Frag! |
7.57 |
Sol{11xdruidx11 |
Connected |
7.76 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
7.79 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Suicided with a Flak Cannon |
8.01 |
Player 12 |
Suicided with a DamType_Camping |
8.02 |
Player |
Killed Player 23 with a DamType_ShockBeam |
8.11 |
tiny.avenger |
Killed Player 40 with a DamType_BioGlob |
8.16 |
od!n |
Killed ShockTuah with a DamType_ShockBeam |
8.20 |
Anonymous |
Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a DamType_MinigunBullet |
8.41 |
od!n |
Killed tiny.avenger with a DamType_ShockBeam |
8.41 |
Anonymous |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a DamType_ShockBeam |
8.42 |
ShockTuah |
ur fucked |
8.43 |
SoL°Burr!to |
ow |
8.57 |
Player 40 |
Killed Anonymous with a DamType_Rocket |
8.60 |
SoL°Burr!to |
ns |
8.69 |
od!n |
gg |
8.72 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
8.73 |
od!n |
Suicided |
8.73 |
od!n |
Disconnected |
8.80 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's Take Higher Ground. |
8.96 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Killed SurneEe with a Flak Cannon |
9.02 |
Strelkov |
Killed Player 23 with a DamType_SniperShot |
9.10 |
tiny.avenger |
Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a Flak Cannon |
9.19 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
top |
9.24 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed tiny.avenger with a DamType_SniperShot |
9.43 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Fell to their death |
9.45 |
SoL°Burr!to |
rofl |
9.47 |
Player 12 |
Killed Strelkov with a DamType_Rocket |
9.52 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
9.55 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed ShockTuah with a DamType_SniperShot |
9.56 |
Strelkov |
Killed Player 12 with a DamType_ShockBeam |
9.70 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
9.84 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed Anonymous with a DamType_Rocket |
9.91 |
Red Team Scored Frag! |
9.93 |
SoL°Burr!to |
:P |
10.17 |
Player 23 |
Killed Player 12 with a DamType_SniperShot |
10.23 |
Sol{11xdruidx11 |
Killed Player 40 with a DamType_ShockBeam |
10.30 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed Player 23 with a DamType_ShockBeam |
10.41 |
tiny.avenger |
Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a Shock Rifle |
10.48 |
Anonymous |
Killed Strelkov with a Flak Cannon |
10.56 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed Sol{11xdruidx11 with a DamType_SniperShot |
10.61 |
ShockTuah |
Killed Player with a DamType_SniperShot |
10.62 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
10.89 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
game goal: positive KD |
10.90 |
tiny.avenger |
Killed Player 40 with a Flak Cannon |
11.00 |
Anonymous |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a DamType_BioGlob |
11.02 |
SoL°Burr!to |
ow |
11.06 |
Anonymous |
Killed Player with a DamType_ShockBeam |
11.09 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Killed Anonymous with a Shock Rifle |
11.14 |
tiny.avenger |
Killed Player 12 with a DamType_MinigunBullet |
11.17 |
Anonymous |
roof |
11.27 |
tiny.avenger |
Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a Shock Rifle |
11.41 |
Anonymous |
Killed Player with a Flak Cannon |
11.57 |
Sol{11xdruidx11 |
Killed Player 40 with a Shock Rifle |
11.58 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed Player 23 with a Flak Cannon |
11.65 |
Player 40 |
die |
11.71 |
tiny.avenger |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a DamType_SniperShot |
11.74 |
SoL°Burr!to |
ow |
12.03 |
ShockTuah |
Killed Strelkov with a Flak Cannon |
12.07 |
SoL°Burr!to |
lol |
12.10 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
:o |
12.11 |
Blue Team Scored Frag! |
12.13 |
Player 40 |
oww |
12.19 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
12.28 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Headshot Player 23 with a DamTypeHeadshot |
12.39 |
tiny.avenger |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a DamType_SniperShot |
12.42 |
SoL°Burr!to |
o |
12.49 |
SoL°Burr!to |
top |
12.53 |
Player 12 |
Killed ShockTuah with a DamType_Rocket |
12.61 |
SoL°Burr!to |
brother don't stay down there |
12.63 |
Anonymous |
Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a DamType_LinkShaft |
12.78 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
12.81 |
Player 12 |
Killed Anonymous with a Shock Rifle |
12.83 |
ShockTuah |
Killed Player 12 with a DamType_ShockBeam |
12.90 |
Anonymous |
res |
12.92 |
tiny.avenger |
Killed Strelkov with a Shock Rifle |
13.17 |
Anonymous |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a DamType_SniperShot |
13.19 |
ShockTuah |
Killed Player 40 with a DamType_ShockBeam |
13.20 |
Player |
Killed Sol{11xdruidx11 with a DamType_Rocket |
13.20 |
SoL°Burr!to |
cmon |
13.38 |
Anonymous |
Killed Player 12 with a DamType_SniperShot |
13.38 |
SoL°Burr!to |
check all directions |
13.45 |
Anonymous |
Killed Player with a DamType_Rocket |
13.50 |
Anonymous |
Killed Strelkov with a DamType_ShockBeam |
13.59 |
Anonymous |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a DamType_ShockBeam |
13.65 |
Blue Team Scored Frag! |
13.74 |
SoL°Burr!to |
don't check where teammates are already checking |
13.81 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
13.87 |
Player |
Killed Sol{11xdruidx11 with a Flak Cannon |
14.04 |
Player 40 |
Killed tiny.avenger with a Shock Rifle |
14.05 |
ShockTuah |
Killed Player with a DamType_ShockBeam |
14.20 |
Anonymous |
Killed Player with a Flak Cannon |
14.22 |
SurneEe |
Killed Player 12 with a DamType_ShockBeam |
14.30 |
Anonymous |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a Flak Cannon |
14.32 |
SoL°Burr!to |
ow |
14.34 |
ShockTuah |
Killed Player 40 with a DamType_SniperShot |
14.46 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Killed Player 23 with a DamType_Rocket |
14.64 |
SoL°Burr!to |
give teammates space to operate yo |
14.70 |
Strelkov |
Killed SurneEe with a DamType_SniperShot |
14.73 |
Player 23 |
Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a DamType_SniperShot |
15.06 |
SoL°Burr!to |
teamwork? |
15.10 |
Player 23 |
Killed Player 12 with a Flak Cannon |
15.40 |
tiny.avenger |
Killed Player 40 with a DamType_ShockBeam |
15.42 |
Anonymous |
Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a DamType_MinigunBullet |
15.54 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed Anonymous with a Flak Cannon |
15.62 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Knocked SurneEe off a ledge |
15.64 |
Sol{11xdruidx11 |
Killed Player with a Shock Rifle |
15.87 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed tiny.avenger with a DamType_SniperShot |
16.01 |
SurneEe |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a Shock Rifle |
16.03 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Killed Sol{11xdruidx11 with a DamType_SniperShot |
16.04 |
SoL°Burr!to |
rofl |
16.15 |
SurneEe |
wwo |
16.21 |
Player 23 |
Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a DamType_ShockBeam |
16.34 |
Player 23 |
Suicided with a DamType_Overtime |
16.52 |
ShockTuah |
Suicided with a DamType_Overtime |
16.55 |
SurneEe |
Killed Player 40 with a Flak Cannon |
16.56 |
SoL°Burr!to |
gotta attack together |
16.58 |
Player 12 |
Suicided with a DamType_Overtime |
16.67 |
Player 12 |
wtf |
16.68 |
SoL°Burr!to |
without running into each other |
16.88 |
Anonymous |
Killed Strelkov with a DamType_Rocket |
16.91 |
SoL°Burr!to |
it's just that simple |
16.91 |
Player |
Killed SurneEe with a DamType_SniperShot |
17.11 |
Player |
Killed Sol{11xdruidx11 with a DamType_Rocket |
17.12 |
SurneEe |
Killed Player with a DamType_LinkShaft |
17.14 |
Anonymous |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a DamType_MinigunBullet |
17.21 |
Blue Team Scored Frag! |
17.32 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
so ishould stop jumping into random places? |
17.40 |
SoL°Burr!to |
lol |
17.48 |
Anonymous |
Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a DamType_ShockBeam |
17.56 |
Player |
Killed Sol{11xdruidx11 with a DamType_SniperShot |
17.64 |
Player |
Killed Player 23 with a DamType_ShockBeam |
17.65 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Suicided with a Flak Cannon |
17.68 |
SoL°Burr!to |
rofl |
17.77 |
Anonymous |
brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr |
17.86 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
for the record, they jumping into me that time |
17.87 |
Player 40 |
Killed tiny.avenger with a DamType_Rocket |
17.90 |
Strelkov |
Headshot SurneEe with a DamTypeHeadshot |
17.90 |
ShockTuah |
Killed Player 12 with a DamType_ShockBeam |
17.97 |
ShockTuah |
Killed Player 40 with a DamType_SniperShot |
18.00 |
Strelkov |
Killed Sol{11xdruidx11 with a DamType_SniperShot |
18.07 |
Anonymous |
Killed Player with a DamType_BioGlob |
18.07 |
Player 40 |
die |
18.17 |
Anonymous |
Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a DamType_ShockBeam |
18.23 |
SoL°Burr!to |
yea that's why we try to give each other space |
18.36 |
Anonymous |
Killed Strelkov with a Shock Rifle |
18.68 |
Anonymous |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a DamType_ShockBeam |
18.70 |
SoL°Burr!to |
ow |
18.72 |
Player |
Headshot Anonymous with a DamTypeHeadshot |
18.79 |
Anonymous |
ddd |
18.81 |
tiny.avenger |
Killed Player with a DamType_ShockBeam |
18.90 |
tiny.avenger |
Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a DamType_ShockBeam |
18.98 |
Blue Team Scored Frag! |
19.01 |
Anonymous |
ugondie2 |
19.29 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed SurneEe with a DamType_ShockBeam |
19.31 |
Player 23 |
Killed Player 12 with a DamType_ShockBeam |
19.37 |
Player 40 |
Killed Player 23 with a DamType_Rocket |
19.37 |
Player 40 |
Suicided with a DamType_Rocket |
19.45 |
ShockTuah |
Killed Player with a DamType_ShockBeam |
19.51 |
ShockTuah |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a DamType_ShockBeam |
19.52 |
Strelkov |
Killed ShockTuah with a DamType_ShockBeam |
19.64 |
Player 12 |
Killed Anonymous with a Shock Rifle |
19.67 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Killed tiny.avenger with a Flak Cannon |
19.85 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed Sol{11xdruidx11 with a DamType_SniperShot |
19.89 |
Strelkov |
Killed SurneEe with a Shock Rifle |
19.97 |
Red Team Scored Frag! |
20.00 |
SoL°Burr!to |
pro |
20.23 |
Player 23 |
Killed Player 40 with a DamType_SniperShot |
20.30 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Killed SurneEe with a Flak Cannon |
20.32 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed Player 23 with a Flak Cannon |
20.35 |
Strelkov |
Telefragged Anonymous |
20.38 |
Anonymous |
lol |
20.49 |
Anonymous |
^1u ^2got ^3me |
20.62 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Killed ShockTuah with a DamType_SniperShot |
20.83 |
Player |
Killed Sol{11xdruidx11 with a DamType_LinkShaft |
20.86 |
Player 12 |
Killed tiny.avenger with a DamType_SniperShot |
20.93 |
SoL°Burr!to |
pro |
20.94 |
Red Team Scored Frag! |
21.00 |
Anonymous |
strelkov are you ))))))))) |
21.21 |
Anonymous |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a DamType_SniperShot |
21.23 |
SoL°Burr!to |
o |
21.45 |
Player 12 |
Suicided with a DamType_Camping |
21.47 |
SoL°Burr!to |
brother helpo |
21.51 |
Player 23 |
Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a DamType_ShockBeam |
21.58 |
Anonymous |
Killed Player with a DamType_LinkShaft |
21.58 |
Player 40 |
Killed Player 23 with a DamType_Rocket |
21.58 |
Player 40 |
Suicided with a DamType_Rocket |
21.63 |
Anonymous |
Killed Strelkov with a DamType_LinkShaft |
21.64 |
SoL°Burr!to |
ns |
21.64 |
Player 40 |
die |
21.68 |
SoL°Burr!to |
o |
21.69 |
Blue Team Scored Frag! |
21.81 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
21.95 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Killed tiny.avenger with a DamType_BioGlob |
22.02 |
Sol{11xdruidx11 |
Killed Player with a Shock Rifle |
22.08 |
Strelkov |
Killed Player 23 with a Flak Cannon |
22.11 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Killed SurneEe with a Flak Cannon |
22.13 |
Anonymous |
Killed Strelkov with a DamType_SniperShot |
22.22 |
Anonymous |
Killed Player 12 with a DamType_SniperShot |
22.31 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
22.39 |
Sol{11xdruidx11 |
Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a DamType_ShockBeam |
22.40 |
Anonymous |
Killed Player with a DamType_ShockBeam |
22.43 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed Anonymous with a DamType_ShockBeam |
22.56 |
tiny.avenger |
Killed Strelkov with a Shock Rifle |
22.57 |
Player 40 |
Killed Sol{11xdruidx11 with a DamType_Rocket |
22.59 |
ShockTuah |
Killed Player 40 with a DamType_SniperShot |
22.60 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Headshot Player 23 with a DamTypeHeadshot |
22.70 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
22.80 |
tiny.avenger |
Killed Player 40 with a DamType_Rocket |
22.81 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
22.96 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed ShockTuah with a DamType_ShockBeam |
22.97 |
Player |
Killed tiny.avenger with a DamType_SniperShot |
23.03 |
Player 23 |
at least im holding most deaths |
23.15 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
23.20 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
23.26 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
23.36 |
Player |
Killed SurneEe with a Flak Cannon |
23.50 |
Player 12 |
Killed Sol{11xdruidx11 with a Flak Cannon |
23.54 |
SoL°Burr!to |
pro |
23.57 |
Red Team Scored Frag! |
23.83 |
Player 12 |
Killed Player 23 with a DamType_ShockBeam |
24.02 |
Strelkov |
Killed tiny.avenger with a DamType_ShockBeam |
24.04 |
Anonymous |
Killed Player 12 with a DamType_Rocket |
24.13 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed ShockTuah with a DamType_ShockBeam |
24.14 |
Player 40 |
Killed SurneEe with a Shock Rifle |
24.21 |
Sol{11xdruidx11 |
Killed Player with a Flak Cannon |
24.24 |
Player 40 |
Killed Sol{11xdruidx11 with a DamType_Rocket |
24.24 |
Player 40 |
Suicided with a DamType_Rocket |
24.26 |
Player 12 |
Killed Player 23 with a DamType_Rocket |
24.29 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
24.69 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
24.91 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Killed Anonymous with a DamType_Rocket |
24.96 |
SoL°Burr!to |
pro |
24.98 |
Red Team Scored Frag! |
25.08 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's Take Higher Ground. |
25.29 |
Player |
Killed SurneEe with a DamType_ShockBeam |
25.29 |
Player 12 |
Killed Player 23 with a DamType_ShockBeam |
25.31 |
ShockTuah |
Killed Strelkov with a DamType_ShockBeam |
25.32 |
Anonymous |
Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a DamType_MinigunBullet |
25.49 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
25.57 |
tiny.avenger |
Killed Player 12 with a Shock Rifle |
25.69 |
Strelkov |
Killed ShockTuah with a DamType_SniperShot |
25.73 |
tiny.avenger |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a Shock Rifle |
25.75 |
SoL°Burr!to |
.. |
25.87 |
Strelkov |
Killed SurneEe with a DamType_ShockBeam |
25.95 |
Player 23 |
Killed Player with a DamType_ShockBeam |
25.96 |
Anonymous |
Killed Player 40 with a DamType_BioGlob |
26.02 |
Anonymous |
hehe |
26.03 |
Sol{11xdruidx11 |
Killed Strelkov with a Shock Rifle |
26.10 |
Player 40 |
:P |
26.10 |
Blue Team Scored Frag! |
26.32 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
26.47 |
Player 40 |
Killed Player 23 with a Flak Cannon |
26.48 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
26.60 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Killed Sol{11xdruidx11 with a Flak Cannon |
26.60 |
SurneEe |
Killed Player 40 with a DamType_ShockBeam |
26.68 |
Anonymous |
Killed Strelkov with a DamType_ShockBeam |
26.72 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Killed Anonymous with a DamType_SniperShot |
26.74 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed ShockTuah with a DamType_SniperShot |
26.81 |
Player |
Killed SurneEe with a DamType_SniperShot |
26.87 |
Anonymous |
res |
26.92 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
26.93 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Fell to their death |
27.00 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
oops |
27.07 |
tiny.avenger |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a DamType_SniperShot |
27.10 |
SoL°Burr!to |
o |
27.22 |
Player |
Killed tiny.avenger with a DamType_Rocket |
27.40 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
27.51 |
ShockTuah |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a DamType_ShockBeam |
27.53 |
SoL°Burr!to |
o |
27.56 |
Strelkov |
Killed ShockTuah with a DamType_SniperShot |
27.60 |
SoL°Burr!to |
brother |
27.63 |
Sol{11xdruidx11 |
Killed Player 12 with a DamType_ShockBeam |
27.66 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Killed Anonymous with a DamType_SniperShot |
27.67 |
SoL°Burr!to |
don't stay down there |
27.82 |
ShockTuah |
Killed Player with a DamType_ShockBeam |
27.89 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's Take Higher Ground. |
27.91 |
Player 40 |
Killed SurneEe with a DamType_ShockBall |
27.93 |
Player 23 |
Killed Strelkov with a DamType_ShockBeam |
27.98 |
Sol{11xdruidx11 |
Killed Player 40 with a DamType_Rocket |
27.99 |
Player 40 |
Killed Sol{11xdruidx11 with a Flak Cannon |
28.02 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's Take Higher Ground. |
28.46 |
Player 23 |
Killed Player 40 with a DamType_Rocket |
28.52 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Killed tiny.avenger with a DamType_SniperShot |
28.56 |
Sol{11xdruidx11 |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a DamType_ShockBeam |
28.58 |
ShockTuah |
Killed SoL{No_Mercy with a DamType_ShockBeam |
28.74 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
snarf |
28.81 |
tiny.avenger |
not today burrithoe |
28.91 |
Anonymous |
Killed Player with a DamType_MinigunAlt |
29.01 |
Player 23 |
Killed Player 12 with a DamType_SniperShot |
29.07 |
Anonymous |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a DamType_MinigunBullet |
29.10 |
SoL°Burr!to |
:< |
29.13 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
nt |
29.13 |
Blue Team Scored Frag! |
29.16 |
Anonymous |
> |
29.18 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's Take Higher Ground. |
29.23 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
29.32 |
ShockTuah |
Killed Strelkov with a DamType_BioGlob |
29.34 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Suicided with a DamType_Rocket |
29.38 |
Anonymous |
haha |
29.38 |
Player |
Suicided with a Flak Cannon |
29.60 |
Player 40 |
Killed Player 23 with a DamType_ShockBeam |
29.64 |
SurneEe |
Killed Player 12 with a DamType_ShockBall |
29.64 |
Player 40 |
Killed Sol{11xdruidx11 with a Shock Rifle |
29.69 |
SoL°Burr!to |
Let's take different paths to trap the enemy. |
29.81 |
Sol{11xdruidx11 |
res |
29.82 |
tiny.avenger |
Killed SoL°Burr!to with a DamType_Rocket |
29.84 |
SoL°Burr!to |
lol |
29.89 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Suicided |
29.89 |
SoL{No_Mercy |
Disconnected |
29.91 |
SoL°Burr!to |
up top |
30.02 |
Anonymous |
Killed Player with a DamType_ShockBeam |
30.02 |
Player |
Killed Anonymous with a DamType_Rocket |
30.16 |
tiny.avenger |
Killed Player 40 with a Shock Rifle |
30.20 |
SoL°Burr!to |
gg |
30.21 |
Sol{11xdruidx11 |
gg |
30.22 |
Blue Team Scored Frag! |
30.22 |
Game Ended - Team Score Limit |